Categories: All - truth - veracity - media - communicative

by Maria del cisne Guanga 11 months ago


Communicative action

Jurgen Habermas, a German philosopher, theorized that communicative action operates on the cultural meanings of ideas and contexts being transmitted. He asserted that people, as rational subjects, have the capacity to understand each other and exchange ideas.

Communicative action

Communicative action

The speaker and the listener: For Habermas ,the speaker and the listener can share their particular moral notions and their views about whatis just and what is right

THE MEDIA The new communicational formats appeal to an extreme simplification of the news or of what is being disseminated ,and ignore any criticism and reflection on the part ofthe public

Habermas,based on the idea that people are reational subjects with the capacity to unerstand each other ,exchange ideas ,proposes a return to a rational ethics that guides the constuction of truths

This theory was proposed by the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas (b.1929)who observed that with the passing of history ,relations between peopleand the construction, to which all truths must be submitted

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Veracity: Unlike the assumption of truth has to do with is a true reflection of what the he /she believes or thinks

Rectitude: It means that every speaker accepts a set f rules for dialogue without exception

Truth: there is no real communicative action if any the elements o contents situation of what is being talked oabot

Intelligibility: Also operates on the cultural meanings of the ideas or contexts that are being transmitted

The assumptions of communicative consensus

Discourse as the axis of dialogue: However it may happeen that comunication is opened froma situatin of conflict