Categories: All - university - nursing - wedding - family

by claire farkas 2 years ago


Claire's Life Map

Claire envisions a clear and structured path for her future, beginning with her academic and professional journey. She plans to attend McMaster University for a nursing program after high school, diligently maintaining high grades to secure her place.

Claire's Life Map

Claire's Life Map

2030- In 2030 I will finish my internship and become an RN at a hospital. Which will help me to pay off my debt from school and help me pay for my future.

2040 - In 2040 my completed family which consists of my three kids my husband and I will go on our first vacation together.

2026 - In 2026 I will start the nursing program at McMaster university to become an RN. While im in university I will have a part time job to make money and save for my future.

2022 - I created a resume, applied to jobs went to interviews and got my first job.

2036 - In 2036 I will have my third and final kid. Which should be the last addition to my family unless we get a pet.

2035 - In 2035 I will have my second kid and have my first borns 2nd birthday.

2034 - I will have my first baby and set up the nursery and everything for the new addition to my family.

2032 - In 2032 I will buy my first house with my husband that we can raise our family in.

2032 - In 2032 I will have my dream wedding.

2030 - In 2030 I will get an internship at a hospital somewhere.

2030 - In 2030 I will graduate from the nursing program at McMaster University and look for places to do my internship.

2026 - In 2026 I will graduate high school, and save up money for when I'm in university.

2022 - I started my first year of high school at St. Paul where I will need to maintain a 90% average or higher to get in to McMaster University which means that school should be my priority.

Items or ideas are positioned along the axis. For example, they might be events in a sequence or on a timeline.

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2025 - In 2025 I will apply to university at McMaster university so I can go to their nursing program.

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