Categories: All - sentence - grammar - words - categories

by Esteban Andrés Lay boy 3 years ago



Understanding the basic concepts of English involves recognizing the structure and elements of sentences. A sentence is a grammatical unit composed of words and typically includes a subject and a verb.


SENTENCE:A group of words which make a complete sense, is called a sentence. A sentence is created by joining the words according to grammar rules,for example, Adwet is a good boy.

parts of sentence: A sentence is divided into two parts,subject and predicate Subject is the part which names the person or thing we are speaking about. The part which tells something about the subject is called predicate. A sentence is made up of various constituents,these are known as parts of speech.These constituens are made accordng to their work in sentence. These parts of speech are: Noun(1) Adjective(2) pronoun(3) Verb(4) Adverb(5) Preposition(6) Conjuntion(7) Interjection(8)

The sentences are of four types Assertive: Those which make statements or assertion;as Humpty dumpty sat on a wall Interrogative: Those which ask questions;as Where do you live? Imperative: A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty e.g., Be quiet Exclamatory sentence: A sentence that expresses a strong feeling is called exclamatory sentence. e.g., How cold the night is! What a shame!

Noun:The noun is of the following types:Common Noun:It is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind. Proper noun:Is the name of a particular person,place or thing. Collective noun:Is the name of a number(of collection)of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole,e.g.,crowd,mob,team,flock,herd,army,etc Abstract noun:Is usually the name of a quality action or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs as quality:goodness,kindness,whiteness,etc Countable nouns:Are the names of objects,that we can count,e.g.,book,pen. Uncountable nouns:Are the names of things which we cannot coun,e.g.,milk,oil,sugar etc.

Adjective:A word used with a noun to describe or poin out the person,animal,place,thing with the noun names or tell the number of quantity is called adjective. the adjective can be of following types:Adjectives of quality or descriptive adjective:it shows the kind or a quality of a person or thing. for example,he is an honest man. 2.Adjective of quantity: It shows how many persons or things are meant. I ate some rice 3.Numeral adjective:Shows how many persons or things are meant,e.g.,the hand has five fingers. Few cats like cold water. 4.Demonstrative adjective:It points out which person or thing is meant.As this boy is stronger than Harry and those mangoes are sweet. 5.Interrogative adjective:As,what manner of man is he? Which way shall we go? Emphasizing adjective:The adjective used to emphasize some concept,e.g., I saw it with my own eyes 7.Exclamatory adjective:The words used to show exclamation,e.g., what a genius! what an idea!

Article:the words a,an and the are called articles. They come before a noun A and an are indefinite articles because these usually leave indefinite the persons or thing spoken of,as a doctor,an orange:"The" is called article because it normally points to some particular person or thing. Pronoun:A word that is used instead of noun is called pronoun.The pronouns can be of various types.Personal pronoun like,I,we,he,she,it,they,you. They indicate the personal category. Verb:A word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing.for example ,Harry laughs,the clock strikes. Types of verbs:Transitive and intransitive verbs.Transitive verb is a verb which denotes an action which passes over from the subject to an object.The intransitive verb is a verb which denotes an action which does not pass over to an object or which expresses a state or being. for example,he ran a long distance.


Adverb:Words which modify of a verb,an adjective,or another adverb and tells the quality of the verb are known as adverbs.e.g.,quickly,very,and quite are adverbs in the following sentences: 1.Rama runs quickly 2.this is very sweet mango 3.Govind reads quite clearly following types of Adverb: (I)Adverb of time:It indicates the time,(which shows when) (II)Adverb of frecuency(which shows how often) (III)Adverb of place(which shows where) (IV)Adverb of manner(which shows how or in what manner) (V)Adverb of degree or quantity (VI)Adverb of affirmation or negation (VII)Adverb of reason

an adverb is a word or an expression that modifies a verb,adjective,another adverb,determiner,clause,preposition or sentence. adverbs are tradionally regarded as one of the parts of speech.

Every language defines certain basic alphabets, words,word categories and language formation rules called:Grammar Rules. Chomsky has done pioneer work in 1960s, He has formally defined various grammars,types of grammars,features and characterisitics of grammars.

Active and Passive voice:Voice is the form of verb which shows whether whatever is denoted by the subject does something or has something done on it. Active and passive are two methods of framing an Engish sentence.they uses different types of verbs. the active voice is so called because the person denoted by the subject acts. A verb is in passive voice when its form shows that something is denoted to the person or thing denoted by the subject,e,g., Hari is helped by Ram. The passive voice is so called because the person or thing denoted by the subject is not active but passive,that is,suffers or receives some action some sentences in active and passive form 1.(a)Sita loves savitri (b) Savitri is loved by sita 2.the mason is building a wall A wall is being built by the mason 3.The peon opened the gate the gate was opened by the peon The sentences represented by active and passive voice convey the same semantic meaning,hence,in the context of natural language proccesing there are grammars which convert a sentence represented in active voice to passive voice.

he have three sentences with a basic active voice construction:subject,verb,and object.the active voice reminds us of the popular nike slogan,"Just Do It"
also we can use active and passive voice when conveys a strong,clear tone and the passive voice is subtler and weaker. we can change a sentence in passive voice to active voice examples:an error with your account,but every attempt was made to remedy. this sentence is not incorrect,but it does sound a bit stiff and dishonest. it sounds less trustworthy than it could-almost evasive. 2.If there are any questions,I can be reached at the number below. The structure of this sentence is weak because it doesn't identify the subjects in either clause

a sentence is a textual unit consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked,in the teaching of writing skills,students are generally required to express the elements of a sentence leading to the schoolbook definiton of a sentence as one that must include a subject and a verb and the sentence it is classified in three parts:by purpose,by structure and mayor and minor sentences.

Tenses:is the concept which indicates about literature,there are three demarcations done on timing template.


(1) The time which is presently going (or present) (2) The time which is before the present or the time which has passed(past) (3) The time which will come after the present or the time which has not yet arrived,(future) to represent these three timing categories,language incorporates the concept of tenses Examples:(I) I write this letter to please you (II)I wrote the letter in his very presence (III) I shall write another letter tomorrow

Present tense singular number Plural number 1.I love We love 2.You loved You love 3.He loved They love Past tense singular number Plural number 1.I loved We loved 2.You loved You loved 3.He loved They loved Future tense singular number Plural number 1.I shall/will love We shall/will love 2.You will love You will love 3.He will love They will love

is a category that expresses time reference some languages have two distinct tenses,such as past and nonpast,or future and nonfuture

Structure of Dictionary:The dictionary should be structured so as to retrieve the definition as quickly as possible,i,e.,the search time should be reduced to minimum. (I)Break up the whole dictionary according to the first alphabet of the word. this way we will have 26 sublists of dictionary (II)If we have just 1000 words in dictionary,there will be on average 40 words per list requiring less time for searching. the dictionary contains the case structure for each of the concepts in its dictionary,but in practice it is not necessary.

Dictionary Features: this definition of word from the viewpoint of storage in computer database is important for linguistic analysis and it is this definition we will describe in this chapter Following categories of words: 1.Articles 2.Nouns 3.Pronouns 4.Verbs 5.Adverbs 6.Adjectives 7.Prepositions 8.Conjuntions 9.Numbers 10.Puntuation marks 11.Whwords

Articles:it contains only three words a,an,the. Nouns:These are classified as animate or inanimate. These are further classified into singular and plural the inanimate nouns are further classified into categories like place,conveyance,time,objects,etc. and the animates are further classified into male and female categories. Pronouns: As such the pronouns have got maximum number of categories. Numbers:Number can also appear in the sentence and a peculiar feature about them is that they have got two representations,one in figures while other in words.

Grammar is the introduction to the english language and is the study and principles that govern the use of languages and the organization of words within sentences and other types of syntactic contituents also Grammar is set of structural constraints on speakers or writers composition of clauses,phrases or words.

Conjugation of the verb Simple present active passive I love I am loved You love You are loved He loves He is loved They love They are loved Present continuous Active Passive I am loving I am being loved You are loving You are being loved He is loving He is being loved We are loving We are being loved They are loving They are being loved Present perfect Active Passive I have loved I have been loved You have loved You have been loved He has loved He has been loved They have loved They have been loved Present perfect continous Active I have been loving You have been loving We have been loving They have been loving Simple past Active Passive I loved I was loved You loved You were being loved He loved He was loved They loved They had been loved Past continuous Active Passive I was loving I was being loved You were loving You were being loved He was loving He was being loved They were loving They had been loved Non-finites Present infinitive to love to be loved Continuous infinitive to be loving Perfect participle to have loved to have been loved Present participle loving being loved Perfect participle having loved having been loved

English grammar is the way which meaning are encoded into wordings in the english language,this includes the structure of words,phrases,clauses,sentences and whole text.

Noun:is considered a naming word , formally it is defined as "the name of a person place or thing" for example:Probably you are wrong.(modifies one complete) i will not read all through this book.(modifies a phrase) Adjective: it is a word,which specifies quality of noun.It is a describing word.example:blue,large.fake,main,etc Verb phrase:A verb along with its object constitutes a verb phrase.example:she gave flower to teacher.