カテゴリー 全て - skills - performance - sports - games

によって Gayanga Botejue 4年前.



Different categories of games and sports include net/wall games like volleyball and tennis, striking/fielding games such as cricket and baseball, invasion games like netball and basketball, and target games including archery and shooting.


Rules of Games & Sports *Structure *Defines problem

Secondary Rules *Arises out of the game *Modifiable *Open to interpretation *E.g- 5 a side soccer played in a smaller pitch

Primary Rules *Defines the game *E.g- Soccer must be played with your feet and not hands

Categories of Games & Sports

Target *Accuracy * Target * Success * E.g- Archery, Shooting

Striking/ Fielding *Hit ball away *Maximise time *Score runs *E.g- Cricket, Baseball, Rounders

Net/Wall * Place ball away from opponent * E.g - Volleyball, Tennis, Squash

Invasion *Attack *Create space *Possession *E.g- Netball, Basketball

Skills are used in different contexts

Play *Voluntary activity *Intrinsic rewards *Broad area *High/Low levels of fun *E.g- Playing with a bottle

Sports *Physical skill *Wide-following *Institutional stability * E.g- AFL, NRL, NBA

Games *Goal Directed *Rules *Players accepting rules *E.g- Monopoly


Skill Classifications *Allows similar skills to be grouped together

Organisation of skills
Serial *Combined discrete skills *Integrated sequence *E.g- Place kick in football, Triple Jump, Basketball Layup
Continuous *No clear beginning & end *Repetitive movements *Longer duration *E.g- Rowing, Cycling
Discrete *Clear start & end *One clear movement *Quick *E.g- Javelin throw
Precision of movement
Fine Motor Skills *Small muscles *Accuracy *Precise *E.g - Sewing a button
Gross Motor Skills *Large muscles *Force/Power *Multi limb movement *E.g- High Jump, Running
Stability of Environment
Open *Variable *Unpredictable *Adaptable *Externally paced *Not stereotypical *E.g- Goal keeper in soccer, Fielders in cricket
Closed *Stable *Predictable *Self-paced *Stereotype movements *E.g- Taking a penalty kick, A Tennis serve, Long Jump

A Task that you perform * Voluntary * Goal directed * Learned or relearned * Movement of body * E.g- Kicking a ball, Crutch walking

Quality of Performance * Certainty of goal achievement * Minimum time * Minimum energy expenditure * High degree of proficiency * E.g - Usain Bolt is a highly skilled athlete

Types of Motor Skills

Specialised Skills *Advanced version of Fundamental Skills *E.g - A professional basketball player has specialised skills
Fundamental Skills *Foundation Skills *Stability - Balance *Locomotor - Running *Ball Skills- Catching, Throwing, Kicking *Basis for specialised skills

Skill vs. Ability

Ability * Inherited traits * E.g - Reaction Time ,Strength
Skill * Developed with practice or experience * E.g - Learning to catch or throw
Skill Acquisition * Dependant on...

Task * Perceptual component * Object Manipulation * Body Movement

Environment * Context * Predictable vs. Unpredictable * Time limitation

Learner * Ability to perform Task * Motivation * Individual difference * Developmentally ready