カテゴリー 全て - stress - conservation - disease - habitat

によって Le Mimi 5年前.


gorilla tourism (By Mimi and Gia Han)

The promotion of gorilla tourism has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can significantly contribute to community development by generating funds that support infrastructure like schools and hospitals, and it can enhance the conservation efforts by ensuring gorillas are well taken care of, it also poses serious threats to the gorillas and their environment.

gorilla tourism (By Mimi and Gia Han)

gorilla tourism

How can we protect gorillas?

Better not to visit if you're sick
Look for sustainable palm oil, wood and eco-friendly products
Stop the illegal trade in gorilla products
Provide more education about Wildlife
Spread the word about mountain Gorrilas conservation
Support local projects around moutain Gorillas
Do no trek Gorillas while visiting the mountain
Stay at least 7 meters away from the gorillas
Donate to conservation organizations to protect moutain gorillas.

What are the disadvantages of allowing Gorillas tourism?

Vegetation is destroyed
The increasing of gorillas will destroy the vegetation
Population pressure
An increasing number of people move closer to the protected areas
Behavioural changes
the presence of humans may generate stress.
human-caused trauma and disease kill Gorillas
People interacting with gorillas will spread diseases to them

What are the benefits of allowing Gorillas tourism?

the gorillas have a better shot as survival
Being taken care by people daily
Community development
Be able to run more schools, hospitals, roads, etc.
Earning foreign exchange
Gorillas can be preserved
People preserve and protect them
Gorillas become valuable resources
Being recognized by the world

What are Gorillas endangered?

Other threats
Weak institutional management structure
Climate changes
Infrastructure development
The region's conflict and civil unrest
Capture baby Gorrillas
Hunting other wild animals with snares involves in killing or injuring Gorillas
Debris left in park threaten wildlife
Respiratory disease
Common skin disease
Habitat Loss
Rainforest clearance

What habitat do Gorillas need?

Eastern Gorillas
Western Gorillas
Lowland tropical rainforest of Cental Africa