カテゴリー 全て - characteristics - habitats - mammals - reptiles

によって Evelyn Vega 5年前.



Vertebrates are classified into various groups based on shared characteristics. Reptiles, known for their scaly skin and cold-blooded nature, primarily inhabit warm ecosystems and rely on lung capacity for respiration.




The reptiles are vertebrate quadruped animals, cold-blooded and scaly skin
Most reptiles are carnivores

Reptiles depend on their lung capacity for gas exchange.

The skin of the reptiles is covered with chitin scales, folded back one on top of the other, which makes it resistant and rough like a shield

The reptiles favor the warm ecosystems, since they depend on it to maintain their temperature

Mass migrations are frequent in many species

Marine reptiles, such as turtles, can harbor huge amounts of oxygen inside them, which, thanks to their slow metabolism, enables them for long periods of immersion.


The first part of the life cycle of the amphibians take place in the water, and the second part on the earth
Amphibians have four mobile limbs, they are ectothermic

Animals of the amphibian class are recognized as being tetrapods

They undergo a metamorphosis in their reproductive cycle

Amphibians are oviparous, that is, they reproduce through the laying of eggs

The skin of amphibians is quite particular. It does not have any type of scales, hair or protective shell, it is permeable to water,


They reproduce by eggs.
The fish have a shape that helps them move through the water, they are usually flattened or have a spindle shape and the fins collaborate in the swim.
The fish use special organs called gills to breathe underwater
your circulation is simple and complete.
They have variable temperature
The oxygen dissolved in the water breathe through gills.
Your body is covered with scales or dermal denticles.
They have fins to move in the water: even or odd.
They have bone or cartilaginous skeleton.
They are aquatic vertebrates.


The diet of birds can be extremely varied, ranging from nectar, fruits and vegetables, leaves and seeds, insects, fungi, carrion and small animals: fish, rodents, reptiles and even other birds or their eggs.
Many of the bird species migrate
Las aves son ovíparas
Birds can not chew their food
The air of bird breathing is distributed between the lungs and the various bone cavities
Your body is arodynamic
Not all bird species can fly
They come directly from the dinosaurs
Birds have a horny beak without teeth
They are vertebrate animals, warm-blooded


They have their body covered with hair

Mammals inhabit all kinds of habitats

The females have mammary glands, through which they secrete milk with which they feed their young in the first stage of growth.

Mammals do not have a cloaca

they have certain common physiological and anatomical characteristics

They have a bone structure formed of bone (skeleton)

They breathe oxygen thanks to two lungs located in the thoracic cavity.

The vast majority of mammals are viviparous animals

They are homeothermic animals