カテゴリー 全て - inequality - peacekeeping - diplomacy - deception

によって Mason Broomes 4年前.


Can We Be Proud Of Canada?

The Suez Crisis of 1956 was a pivotal moment in international relations, marked by Egypt's attempt to control the Suez Canal, leading to military confrontation with Israel, Britain, and France.

Can We Be Proud Of Canada?

Can We Be Proud Of Canada?

Continuity And Change

Suez Crisis
In 1956, Egypt attempts to overtake the Suez canal which was occupied by Israel, Britain and France, who attacked Egypt. USSR stepped in to defend Egypt. a plan was put together by Lester B Pearson to send a neutral army to divide the conflict between the two sides. This event shows us the first time that Canada got called a peacekeeper.

This event shows that we should be proud of canada for a canadian putting a divide on the conflict in this war, and stopping two sides from fighting.

Relief Payments
Relief payments,were given out to struggling or not so wealthy families by the government during the Great Depression. These payments could be used for essentials such as gas, rent, food, medicine, utilities, etc. These Reliefs were not as easily obtained for aboriginals. The government handing out these payments helped famlies stay stable with money and still continue to do so today. Relief payments were easy to obtain unless you were aboriginal.

This event shows that the government still treat the aboriginal people poorly compared to everyone else. Which we can not be proud of. However, the government ended up saving a ton of families.

At the beginning of of war, the prime minister at the time, Robert Borden, promised that no french Canadians would become victims of conscription. French Canadians figured that the war was not theirs to fight. In May 1917, Robert Borden introduced the military services act. Which forced all able bodied men of age to war, causing a disagreement with french Canadians. This shows us that the governent was lying to the french canadians when they told them they were safe from conscription.

We should not be proud of Canada in this case because the prime minister made a false claim, claiming that he would not make french Canadians fight in a war, then proceeded to use conscription against them.

Historical Significance

N.A.T.O is important to Canada because being apart of this pact made the other nations also apart of the pact feel safe and secure from any possible future attacks. N.A.T.O stands for North Atlantic Tready Organization and is made up of 12 different nations making collective security, promised all members security, incase of an attack from the Soviet Union. The collective security would stop them from attacking.

We should be proud of Canada for being a part of N.A.T.O. We should be proud of Canada for still being apart of N.A.T.O today and still keeping other nations secure.

THe Halocaust
The Halocaust was very important to Canada and its history because how awfully we treated jewish people. The Halocaust was the systematic persicution and killing of the european Jews by Nazi Germany between 1933-1945. Aryans were seen as the "superior" race. When the nuremberg laws were created was when it got a lot worse for the Jews, this law made it illegal for Jewish to hold a public office to have a citizenship and normal human rights.

We should be proud of Canada because we saved 500 Jewish people from Nazi Germany. We should not be proud of not accepting more Jewish refugees and saving them from Nazi Germany.

Vimy Ridge
Vimy Ridge was importatnt to our past, this is because we took over the first line in just 1 hour. It was the birth of modern warfare because of the tactics used.This ended up giving Canada its identity. We used airplanes with surveyors so we could document and attack enemies, during Vimy Ridge electronic warfare was used during this battle useing wireless radio for the first time to communicate. We used platoons which were small groups of men that had a strong bond, making them more comfortable in battle.

We should be proud of Canada during the battle of Vimy Ridge because those tactics used in Vimy Ridge are still used today which benefits us, this is significant because Canada were the ones who captured Vimy Ridge basically solo.

Cause and Consequence

Pearl Harbour
Germany invaded the soviet union, Japan, an ally of Nazi Germany, bombed Pearl Harbour, a United States navy base in Hawaii. The next day the United States declared war on Japan. In 1943, the allies including the United States, Canada and Britain, invaded Italy, where many German Troops had taken position. This is important to Canadas history because Canada helped escort supplies from point A to point B with United States to Pearl Harbour. This proves that Canada was a good ally.

We should be somewhat proud of Canada for being good allies to United States, but this event also lead to the internment of "Enemy Aliens" which is something that we should never be proud of.

Indian Act
The Indian act is a topic that Government controlled most aspects of first nations peoples lives, including land, resources, edcuation,travel, etc. Mohawk man who served as a lietenant foudned the league of indians of Candada. The goal was to provied a united voice & push tue government for more rights. This effects Canada because it was Canadas biggest mistake. Canada treated many innocent aboriginals extremely poorly and it ended up with a public apology from the government.

We shoukld not be proud of Canada because we had stipped the First Nations of their land and made an unfair deal that they had no benefit of sigining.

White Paper

Historical Perspective

Black Canadians
In 2010 Nova Scotia apologized and granted a pardon to Viola Desmond. Desmond was a black women who was criminally convicted by a Nova Scotia court for sitting in the white only section of a movie theatre in 1946.

We should not be proud of Canada for allowing a "white only" section to begin with, but we should be proud of Canada righting it's wrongs and publicly apologizing.


Baby Boom
The Baby Boom was an event where more families were having more babies partially due to fact that the government provides a child care known as a baby bonus. There was many armed forces who were returning from war who wanted to have families and normal lives

We should be proud of Canada for the government providing families with baby bonus' to treat citizens well and help them fulfill their wishes.

Persons Case
This event shows us us how women were not equal as men in the past but was later fought for in court and women not being considered persons was overruled. The law did not view women as people therefore in 1928 Nellie McClung and 4 women's rights activists took their case to Britain and eventually in 1929, the British privy council ruled that were Women were indeed persons and could be appointed to government positions.

This event shows how we can be proud of Canada since a Canadian women helped improve gender equality in Britain and in Canada