カテゴリー 全て - atmosphere - sunlight - ocean - protection



Atmosphere and ocean

There are distinct layers in both the ocean and the atmosphere, each with unique characteristics and functions. The ocean is divided into zones based on the penetration of sunlight, ranging from the well-lit surface where most aquatic plants thrive to the dark depths where bioluminescence is common among deep-sea creatures.

Atmosphere and ocean

Atmosphere and ocean

Ocean stratification

Dark zone
Most deep creatures use bioluminescence to produce lights
Sunlight cannot penetrate at all
It is completely dark
Twilight surface
Becomes the habitat for large marine animals, such as giant squids and various species of whales
The fishes living in this zone have large eyes to enable them to see better
It receives a small amount of sunlight
Surface ocean
most aquatic plants live in this zone
It receives the most amount of sunlight

Atmospheric stratification

Troposphere layer
It has the highest air pressure
Formation of cloud and weather changes such as rain,snow and lightning occur in this layer and therefor the weather may be turbulent
Closest to the Earth
Stratosphere layer
The rays can cause skin cancer,eye cataract and weaken the immune system of our body
It has the ozone layer to protect the Earth from ultraviolent rays from the Sun
It allows aircrafts to fly safely
The air is calm and thin ,has no clouds,dust nor water vapour
Mesosphere layer
Meteoroids rub against air particles and burn up into fragments in the mesosphere to produce meteors
Protects the Earth from meteoroids
The coldest layer
Thermosphere layer
the gas atoms inthe ionosphere are blasted by ultraviolent reflects radio signals back to the Earth to enable radio communication between people
Contains the ionosphere layer.
the hottest layer
Exosphere layer
Man-made satellites,space telescopes and space shuttles orbit the Earth
Air becomes thinner towards space
Contains light gases such as helium and hydrogen
The outermost layer