Categorie: Tutti - process - inductive - privacy - ethics

da Mely Liz mancano 3 anni



Qualitative research in education emphasizes the significant role participants play, particularly in contributing to data analysis. Researchers must avoid sites where participants might feel coerced and prioritize their privacy.


Qualitative research in education

Ethical considerations

In qualitative reseach, participants have a vital role, they contribute to the analysis of the data they generate.
1. Avoid research sites where participant may feel coerced. 2. Honour the participants' privacy. 3. Consider differnce in participant's time commitment. 4. Protect participant's identies. 5.Treat participants with respect and seek their cooperation. 6. Negotiate whith the participants the terms of the agreement. 7. Tell the truth when writing up and reporting the findings


Bogdan and Biklen states there are different types of qualitative research that have common characteristics and similar.

The meaning is of essential concern to the qualitative approach, is the reason why they are really interested in participants' perspectives.


Qualitative research analyses the data in an inductive, this approach uses a bottom-up direction to understand situations, focus on behaviours, construct theories and reach conclusions.

Concern with process

Focuses on progress rather than outcomes. The three main methods of data collection:

1. Focus group. 2. In-depth interviews. 3. Participant observation.

Descriptive data

Sandelowski, noted that researches present comprehensive narratives of phenomena or events based on open-ended questions.

The data collected in qualitative research take the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. Researchers describe the dadta deeply, wich means all the details must be considered.


Is defined as a no experimental approach in subjects are studied in their natural settings.


Exist some definitions of qualitative research of diferent philosophical prespectives for order to better understand Its usefulness.
LESLIE CURRY explains that is a strategy to collect, organise and interpret textual information sistematically to generating insights into phenomena taht one difficult to measure.
SHARAN B. MERRIAM States that "Qualitative researchers are interested in understanding the meaning people have constructed"
JOHN CRESWELL Define as an inquiry process of understanding that is based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry to explore a social or human problem.