Categorie: Tutti - quiz - carbohydrates - presentation - biology

da Rachael Kriete mancano 2 mesi


Mrs. Kriete's Daily Agenda Spring 24

A biology course covers an array of topics over several weeks, focusing primarily on molecules, with special attention to proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The curriculum includes a series of quizzes and labs designed to reinforce understanding.

Mrs. Kriete's Daily Agenda Spring 24

Minimum Day (Finals)

Friday Minimum Day (Prom)

Mrs. Kriete's Daily Agenda Spring 24

IB Biology

Unit B4: Ecosystems

IA Overview and Discussion

June 5

Final Lab Practical

Jun 3

Lab Practical Preparation

May 30

Biome Foldable Due

B4.1 and B4.2 Quiz

Prepare for Quiz

Finish Niche Paper Assignment

May 23

Start Niche Paper Assignment

Competitive Exclusion

Fundamental and Realized Niche

Modes of Nutrition Data Analysis

Modes of Nutrition

Ecological Niche

May 20

Mangrove Data Analysis

Transects and Standard Error

May 16

Biome Foldable

Habitats and Biomes

B3.2 Quiz

May 13

Water Transport Project Due

Unit B3: Organisms
Week 18

Water Transport Project

May 6

Xylem Cross Section Activity

Xylem Structure

May 2

Pulse Accuracy Lab

Circulatory System

B3.1 Quiz

April 29

Stomatal Density Activity

Gas Exchange in Plants

April 25

Vital Lung Capacity

Lung Model

Mammalian Respiration

Finish Evaporation Lab

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

April 22

Evaporation Lab

Gas Exchange Surfaces

Introduction to Gas Exchange

Unit B2: Cells

April 18

B2.2 & B2.3 Quiz

April 15

Study for B2.2 and B2.3 Quiz

April 11

Compartmentalization Poster Due at 3:33 PM Submit in class or on SKIES

B2.3: Specialization

Compartmentalization Poster Work Time

B2.2: Organelles

April 4

B2.1 Quiz

April 2

B2.1 Quiz Prep

Spring Break

Mar 21

Lab Exploration: Cells Under the Microscope

The Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane

Mar 18

Gizmos Case Study: Osmosis

Unit B1: Molecules

Mar 14

Gizmos Case Study: Diffusion

Outline B2

Mar 11

B1 Final Exam

Part 3: Proteins Redemption

Part 2: Carbohydrates & Lipids Redemption

Part 1: Lab Practical

Lab Report due at Sunday, March 10, 11:59 PM

Mar 7

B1 Lab on SKIES closes at 1:30 PM

Exam Preparation

Mar 4

Lab Report Work Time

Feb 29

B1 Lab Data Collection

Feb 26

Finish Investigation Planning Tool

Feb 22

Start Investigation Planning Tool

Kriete Absent

Feb 20

Standard Calibration Curve for Starch/KI

Starch Serial Dilution

President's Day

Feb 15

Amylose/Amylase Prelab Questions Cards 29-56 on B1 Lab (SKIES)

Kool-Aid Calibration Curve Due

B1 Lab Work Time (Last Day)

Feb 12

B1 Lab Work Time

Feb 8

B1 Lab Introduction

Standard/Calibration Curves


Serial Dilution

B1.2 Quiz

Feb 5

Atmospheric River

Feb 1

Pick a Protein Presentation

Jan 29

Jan 25

Pick a Protein Presentation Presentations on Monday!

Protein Structure

Protein Confirmation

Diversity of R-Groups

Formation of Polypeptides

Amino Acid Modeling Due by Next Class

Amino Acids

Characteristic Form

Essential vs. Nonessential

B1.1 Redemption Quiz

Jan 18

Relearning, B1.1

Pass Out and Review Quizzes

Jan 16

B1.1 Quiz

Cards 48-62

Mindomo Notes on B1: Carbohydrates and Lipids Due Prior to Quiz Tuesday

Properties of Carbon

Molecular Structure Worksheet

Introduction to Organic Molecules

Cards 17-33



Form and Function


Unit 7: Structure & Function
Week 23

June 11

Period 6 Final

June 10

Period 3 Final

Finals Prep

May 31

All Redemption Assignments Due

May 29/30

Metabolism Lab

Part 3

Part 2

May 28

Homeostasis Mini Lesson

Period 6

Period 3

Tier 1 and 2 Quiz

Tiers 1 and 2 Study Guide

Redemption Request Form Due by Thursday at 11:59 PM

Respiratory and Circulatory System Models

Osmosis Gizmos

Submit Cell Function Foldable

Cell Function Foldable

Finish Mystery Cell Assignment

Mystery Cell Assignment

Essential Life Functions (PMC Model)

Essential Molecules of Life

Unit 6: Gene Expression

May 8/9

CFTR Explanation

Differentiated Lesson

CFTR Bead Protein

Mutation Practice Worksheets

Queen Bees Investigation

Finish Protein Synthesis Investigation (Gizmos)

Tier 3 Quiz

Protein Synthesis Investigation (Gizmos)


Rock Pocket Mouse Explanation

Tier 2 Quiz

Rock Pocket Mouse Data Analysis

Protein Synthesis Digital Simulation

Protein Synthesis Paper Simulation

Protein Posters Finish and present

Protein Group Read Activity

Introduction to Proteins

Tier 1 Quiz

DNA Models Due

Quiz Review

DNA Model Building

Cards 1-30

Bring Materials for DNA Building Next Class!!

Structure of DNA

Double Helix Film

Discovery of DNA

Unit 5: Inheritance

Final Unit 5 Quiz

Mar 20/21

Quiz: Tier 3

Finish Pedigree Case Study

Pedigree Case Study

More Pedigrees Practice

Pedigrees Practice

Review Quizzes

Week 8

Quiz: Tiers 1 & 2

Geniventure Extension Activity Available Due Friday at end of School Day

Pigeon Genetics Redemption Available Due Friday at end of School Day

X-Linked Genes Practice Worksheet

XY Sex Determination

Modes of Inheritance Practice Worksheet

Pigeon Genetics Final Explanation

Data Analysis Bar Chart and Chi Square Stats

Simulation Reflection

Pigeon Offspring Model

Submit Genotype to Spreadsheet

Fertilization Simulation

Pigeon Genetics

Meiosis Simulation

Pigeon Offspring Prediction Worksheet

Statistics of Inheritance Worksheet

Cards 28-41

HW: Card 34

Punnett Squares

Allele Interactions

Genotype vs. Phenotype

Cards 1-27




Chromosomes, Genes, Alleles

Unit 4: Evolution

Unit 1 Quiz, Tier 4 Redemption for Tier 1-3

Unit 4 Study Guide

Apple/Hawthorn Fly Case Study, Part 2-3

Apple/Hawthorn Fly Case Study, Part 1

Cards 73-79

Speciation Story


Stickleback Case Study: Explanation

Pass Back and Review Quizzes

Stickleback Case Study: Data Analysis

Period 3 Only

Submit Cricket Adaptation

Unit 1 Quiz, Tier 3 Redemption for Tier 1 & 2

Period 6 Only

Evolution Gizmos Due at End of Class

Finish and Submit Cricket Adaptation

SKIES Resubmissions due by Midnight Friday

Kauai Cricket Adaptation

Part 2: Individual Explanation

Part 1: Group Explanation

Review Quiz

Cards 39-44

Selective Pressures Warm Up

Unit 1 Quiz, Tier 1 & 2

Cards 42-50

Natural Selection Case Studies Submit at Start of Next Class

Review for Quiz

Cards 29-40

Gizmos Lab: Natural Selection Complete by class tomorrow

Natural Selection of Rock Pocket Mice

Cards 19-28

Five Fingers of Evolution Activity

Five Fingers of Evolution Video

Checking for Understanding: Evolution

Cards 13-18

Definition of Evolution

Fish Drawing Activity


Post-Exam Project
Week 22

June 7

Final Presentations

June 5/6

Presentation Work Time

June 3/4

Report Due

Phase 3 Due

Week 21

May 30/31

*Senior Projects Due

Entry 4 Due

May 28/29

Entry 3 Due

Phase 2 Due

Memorial Day

Week 20

May 24

May 22/23

Entry 2 Due

Delayed Urbanization Unit Quiz

May 21

Week 19

May 17/20


Entry 1 Due


Phase 1 Due

May 15/16

May 14

Unit 7: Urbanization
Week 17

May 10/13

Test Debrief Day

May 9


8 AM

May 8

Period 1 Only

May 7

Practice Math FRQ

May 3/6

Differentiated Support

Week 16

May 1/2

Math Tutorial

Missing Topics Speed Run

April 30

Create Custom Study Plan

Overview of Resources

Test Basics

April 26/29

Mock MC Exam

Week 15

April 23/25

Mock Climate FRQ and Error Analysis

Urban Heat Island Effect

April 19/22

Before the Flood Film & FRQ

Week 14

April 17/18

Carbon and Forests Inquiry

Historical CO2 and Temp

Greenhouse Gases

Gizmos Climate Simulation

April 16


April 12/15

Clearing California Skies Short Film


Pollutant Organizer

Week 13

April 10/11

Environmental Hazards

LD50 Inquiry


EJ and Direct Action

Policy and Legislation

April 9

Water Pollution



April 8

Water Pollution Letter to Mayor

Week 12

April 4/5

Water Quality Hypothesis/Analysis

Clearcutting and Mining Chart (Group)

April 2/3

Twin Towns Map Assignment Due by Next Class

Twin Towns Reading

Intro to Urbanization

Unit 6: Energy

Mar 21/22

Unit 6 Quiz

Mar 20

Energy House Poster Showcase

Mar 19

Energy House Poster Due Tuesday at Midnight

Mar 15/18

More Work Time for Poster

Review of Study Guide

Week 11

Mar 13/14

Energy House Data Analysis Due by next class

Mar 12

Energy House Data Collection Final

Mar 8/11

Week 10

Mar 6/7

Mar 5

Energy House Data Analysis 1

Week 9

Mar 1/4

Energy House Data Collection 1

Feb 28/29

Energy House Construction

Feb 27

Student-Led Conference Form Due Wed/Thurs Start of Class

Feb 23/26

Test 1 Variable Selection

Sustainable Design Research Due at end of class

Introduction to Energy House Project

Week 7

Feb 21/22

Item Analysis and Reflection (Survey Link on SKIES)

Mock FRQ

Feb 16/20

Finish and Submit Energy Resources Mind Map Code IVc3Q

Electricity Generation Redemption

Week 6

Feb 14/15

Case Study: Growing Energy

Feb 13

Continue Energy Resources Mind Map Code IVc3Q

Nuclear Energy

Feb 9/12

Natural Gas



Start Energy Resources Mind Map Code IVc3Q

Week 5

Feb 7/8

Electricity Generation Model Due Tuesday Before Class

Electricity Generation

Energy Efficiency

Introduction to Energy

Feb 6

Electric Nation Video

Feb 2/5

Unit 5 Quiz

Unit 5: Land and Water Use
Week 4

Jan 31/Feb 1

Quiz Prep

Jan 30

Community Garden Presentations

Jan 26/29

Week 3

Jan 24/25

Community Garden Part Presentation Prep

Jan 23

Resubmissions Open Until Midnight

Community Garden Project (1, 2)

Eutrophication Case Study

Unit 4 Dashboard

Food Choice Discussion Assignment Final Argument due by Midnight

Jan 22

Period 2 Only

Intercropping Case Study Final Argument due by Wednesday

Week 2

Jan 18/19

Cards 63-80

Food Choice Discussion Assignment Research Due Tuesday Before Class

Meat Production

Pest Control



Jan 16/17

Cards 52-62

Evaluating Agricultural Practices Comparative Organizer Due by Start of Next Class

Identify Vacant Plot; Update Slideshow

TEDTalk: Greening the Ghetto, Majora Carter


Week 1

Jan 12

Cards 44-51

Urbanization and Estuary Eutrophication Case Study Due by Start of Next Class

Jan 11

Cards 32-43

Water and Nutrients in Agriculture

Jan 10

Cards 26-31

Link to Food System Investigation (Part 1) by Start of Class Tomorrow

The Future of Food

Developments in Argiculture

Jan 9

Cards 17-25

Module 31 FRQ Questions

Food Sovereignty Video

Food Security Discussion

Jan 8

Cards 1-16

Career Profiler

Syllabus Review

Spring Survey