Categorie: Tutti - sleep - phone - geography - science

da Kelly Alvarez mancano 5 anni


Kelly Alvarez

Kelly feels her family could benefit from spending more time together and engaging in activities outside the house. She acknowledges the need to improve her geography skills by studying more diligently and paying closer attention in class.

Kelly Alvarez

Kelly Alvarez


I feel science is a little difficult but with a little more studying I think it could get a bit easier.


I have a hard time waking up in the morning. Maybe I could try sleeping a little bit earlier.


I play on my phone too much . I could maybe play with my cousins to entertain myself.

Take care of my little brother

He is always going downstairs to play with our cousins I should go downstairs with him.( He's annoying sometimes.)


I need to be better at geography. I think I should study more and pay attention during class.


My family needs to bond more. I think we should get out more.