Categorie: Tutti - education - feminism - workforce - equality

da Joseph Ficarotta mancano 6 anni


Joe Ficarotta - Women's Movement

The women's movement aimed to address various social and economic inequalities faced by women. Organizations like the National Organization for Women and the Commission on the Status of Women spearheaded efforts to secure women'

Joe Ficarotta - Women's Movement

Women's Movemnet


--guarantee gender equality and protect reproductive rights
Feminization of poverty- single working mothers make up most of the poverty in the US
<< Title VII - outlawed discrimination based on sex
^^Illegal to deny women credit
>>Title IX -Banned discrimination in education
**assured the right for women to have an abortion
More oppurtunities
An increase in women in the workforce(30%->60%)
Sparked important debate


Commission n the Status of Women- created by Kennedy that couldn't officially pass the things they wanted
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
National Organization for Women


Exploited organizations like Playboy for humiliating women
Created Ms.magazine which was a feminist magazine
Consciousness raising- they would talk about and educate other women how there was more that they could do besides be a housewife
Used specific clauses in the civil rights act to their advantage
Radical feminists protested in effort to reshape the society instead of legislative change


Dead end, stressful jobs that hindered further careers that were made up of mostly women- known as Pink collar ghettos
Glass ceiling- the barriers that prevented women from getting better jobs
Schafly also thought alomony w ould go away, women would be drafted into war, and they wold do things like desegregating bathrooms
Phyillis Schafly claimed the womens liberation was an assualt on family marriage and children, goes against nature

Major events

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) bigger than just passing a law because it deals with the constitution- --guarantee gender equality and protect reproductive rights but it DID NOT get ratified
>>Higher education act 1972
^^Equal Credit opp act-1974
**1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v Wade


Sandra Day O'Connor- first women in the supreme court justice
Gloria Steinman- used mass media to change awareness
Betty Freidan-wrote the feminine mystique and helped establish the National Organization for Women(NOW)


Protect womens reproductive rights
Gain gender equality
Wanted equal oppurtunity in jobs