Categorie: Tutti - pronunciation - languages - transcription - phonetics




The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was established by a group of French and British teachers led by French linguist Paul Passy in 1886, with the aim of creating a standardized system for phonetic transcription.


-García García Kevin de Jesús -Hernández Palomeque Jairo -Izquierdo Bravata Isis Nayeli -López Desiderio Isabel Joseline -Sánchez López Yashira Monserrat


Team 5:

García García Kevin de Jesús

Hernández Palomeque Jairo

Izquierdo Bravata Isis Nayeli

López Desiderio Isabel Joseline

Sánchez López Yashira Monserrat

They intented to help people to acquire realistic pronunciations of foreign languages

The IPA has also conducted examinations in phonetics since 1908, awarding Certificates of Proficiency in English, French, or German phonetics

This system uses a set of symbols to represent each distinct sound

Of the human spoken language

The letters chosen for IPA are meant to harmonize with the latin alphabet

There are letters that are neither Latin nor Greek
Most letters are either Latin or Greek

The sound values of modified Latin letters

Can be derived from those of the original letters

IPA offers

Over a hundred and sixty symbols for transcribing speech

The main goal

Was to create a set of phonetic symbols to wich different articulations could be applied

The first official version of the IPA was released in 1888

After the formation of the International Phonetic Association.

The alphabet has undergone a number of revisions during its history

The most significant was presented at the IPA Kiel Convention in 1989
The one of 1888 was the based for all the future revisions

Their original alphabet

Was based on a spelling form for English known as the Romantic Alphabet

In 1886

A group of French and British teachers lead by the French linguist Paul Passy
Formed what in the future would be known as the International Phonetic Association