Categorie: Tutti - art - medicine - philosophy - religion

da Sreelal Bhavishya mancano 6 anni



During the Middle Ages, religion dominated all aspects of life, with God being the universal explanation for various phenomena. The Roman Catholic Church held immense power, influencing both societal norms and governance.


The Middle Ages

Art and Science

Interpretations of Christ.
Doom Paintings

Paintings depicted end of the world and served as caution.

New ideas were shut down
Not many discoveries were made as god was used as an explanation for everything. Questioning god was not an option.
Theory of the 4 humors

the body was made up of 4 elements: phlegm, blood, yellow bile, black bile.

Sickness meant that 1 of these was out of balance, so the doctor would try to figure out what was out of balance

First you would ask around villagers for a cure. You would go to a doctor as a last resort since it was expensive.
the best educated people in medieval society. They studied and copied ancient manuscripts.
used in churches


Ordeal by combat

trial for the rich where the accuser would fight the accused. You could also get a champion to fight for you.

Ordeal by water

involved the accused being tied up and thrown into a lake or river. If the prisoner floats, the water doesn’t want him and he is impure, he is guilty. If the prisoner sinks and drowns then God must want him in heaven and he is innocent.

Trial by fire

involved holding a red-hot iron bar. The hand is then bandaged and 3 days later examined by the judge. If the wound is healed then god must think the prisoner is worth helping and so they are innocent.

serious criminal cases would be dealt with by a royal court who was a judge who travelled around the country and visited each village twice a year to hear serious cases.
Harsh punishments

punishments were public which served as a deterrent to other criminals. They were also entertaining.

Murderers could be executed in any number of ways and each town or village would have their own way of punishing these crimes.

Hanging, being buried alive, burned to death, thrown off a bridge or cliff, being drawn, quartered (being cut into pieces), beheaded (typically nobles) were popular punishments.

Escaping punishment

You could also read a verse from the bible

allow you to claim the benefit of the clergy, which was a different type of court system that gave out less severe punishments.

hide in a church and claim sanctuary.

Criminals who committed minor crimes would be taken to the lords manor house.

The lord would decide on the punishment, which would usually be a fine.

the punishment could be harsher. The criminal could be humiliated by being tied up and whipped publicly, put in stocks or a pillory, etc.

No police forces.

Group of people patrolled the streets at night

A constable was chosen to coordinate them.


men and women over the age of 12 were grouped into ten and were responsible for each other's behaviour

If a member of the tithing broke the law the others had to take him or her to court and pay their fines.

Villages and towns had to take care of law and punishment by them selves.

If you witnessed a crime you had to shout so people would help to catch the criminal

Social Structure

The Great Chain of Being
A strict hierarchical structure of all matter and life, thought in medieval Christianity to have been decreed by God.
Dictated by males, often priests or monks.
The Feudal System
In order from highest ranking; Kings, Nobles, Knights, Peasants. Also, men were always above women.
A social, political and military structure that laid out where various people were according to their rank in society.
The Divine Right of Kings
A monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God.

The Black Death

Attempts to stop the plague.

Doctors wore a robe and carried flowers to ward off the smell of the dead. They would also wear a beak like object to avoid inhaling infected air.

Caused a lot of panic among the population.
Church lost power as people lost faith in god.
Killed roughly 75 million people in Europe.
Victims would die within a few days.
attacked the lungs causing victims to cough up blood
Caused by a germ that travels through the air.
Victims would get a fever and get large boils
A germ which lived in the blood of rats and in the guts of fleas that traveled around in their fur. Rats would pass it on by biting humans.
God, Jews, Lepers


best educated people in medieval society and monasteries were important centers of learning.
Church services were held in Latin and ordinary people couldn't understand Latin.
tax called a “tithe”

Villagers had to pay 1/10 of their crops as tax. Also your 2nd best animal was to be given to the church after death.


Religious figure who ruled the church and ran the clergy. Had a lot of power and this power and this power led to quarrels with the king.

Gothic Architecture

Church was the tallest building. It dwarfed humans and made people believe that god was the highest power.

Was used as an explanation for everything. For example accidents.
Roman Catholicism
Everyone in the west believed in God and followed Roman Catholicism.
Heaven and Hell
The idea of heaven provided comfort to people and the idea of hell created fear withing the people