Categorie: Tutti - pressure - particles

da Jessalina Mazurski mancano 4 anni



Fluids can exhibit different types of flow patterns, primarily categorized as turbulent and laminar. Turbulent flow is characterized by its irregular and choppy movement, often seen in natural phenomena like lava flows from volcanoes.



Flow Rates

Surface Tension: The strong attraction amoung the particles that form the durface of a liquid. an example of surface tension would be paper clips and hugs being able to float on water.
Video on Adhesion:
Video on Cohesion:
Video on Viscosity:
An example of Adhesion would be,if you spill water on a surface and you go and clean it up with toilet paper,paper towel, towel. you would notice that the towel, toilet paper, paper towel soak up the water up quite fast.
Adhesion: The attraction between the particles of one substance and the particles of another substance.
An example of Cohesion would be, when it is raining out and you are in the car. You can see water droplets on the window, some of those water droplets stick together and become as one water droplet.
Cohesion: A measure of how strongly the particles of a fluid attract each other.
An example of viscosity would be, imagine you spill water on your counter. the water would flow rather quickly. on the other hand if you were to spill chocolate syrup on the counter it would flow much slower then water would.
Fluids: mayerials that have no fixed shape and are free to flow, such as liquids and gases.
Viscosity: A measure of how easily a fluid's particles are able to slide past one another.
Flow Rate. A measure of how quickly fluids move;measured in a volume per unit time.( For example, L/s)

density and buyancy in action.

video on swim bladder.
video on buoyancy.
Swim bladder: A controllable, balloon- like chamber that allows fish to alter their buoyancy.
Video on pressure.
Buoyancy: The upward supportive force on an object in a fluid.An example of buoyancy would be, any object being out into water being able to float. this can include. Boats, waterskis, pool floats, lifejackets. etc.
Ballast tanks: conpartments in a ship or sibmarine that takes in water to keep the ship stable or help a submarine dive below the surface.

Types of flows

website for lamnier flow.
video on particle therory of matter.
A video on Turbulent Flow,
A video on Laminar flow
Turbulent FLow: An irregular, mixing Flow pattern.
laminar flow: A smooth pattern of flow.
Turbulent flow is choppy and irregular. for example if lava was to erupt from a volcano the lava trail would be a turbulent flow spreading around objects such as trees, houses, cars.
Lamnier flow is smooth and regular. For example, the water flowing from the faucet moves along quickly with less energy.
Fluids can flow in two different ways: -Laminar Flow. -Turbulent flow.
Partical Therory of matter: A theory that explains what matter is made of and how it behaves.
Stream line: A smooth shape designed to decrease resistance to fluid flow.

putting the squueze on fluids/effects of external pressure on fluids.
video on compressability.
Atospheric pressure: The force the atmosphere exeerts on a unit of surface.
Pressure: the force per unit area.
compressability: the ability to be squezzed into a smaller example would be water transfering into a smaller container.
To pack closely togther, squeeze.

Weight, Mass, Volume.

website for mass weight volume.
Video on volume.
Video on displace.
a video on mass and weight.
Displace: to take the place of. an example of displace would be
Volume:The amount of space an object or substance takes up. an example of volume would be a shoe box, if you put together two shoe boxes those two boxes would take up more space then a single box would.
Mass: the amount of matter that makes up an object or a example of mass would be a keyboard, the keys you are pressing has mass.
Weight: The force of gravity acting on an obgect.


website for density.
video on characterisic properties.
vidoe on density.
Characteristic property: A property that makes a paticular substance distinct. an example of this would be the difference between hot and cold. and dense and not dense.
Density: A measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance.An example of density would be. if you are testing to see what cup would float, a styrofoam cup of a glass cup. since the styrofoam cup is less dense then the glass cup. it wiuld result jn the styrofoam cup floating and the glass cup sinking.

Controlling Fluids

video of areodynamics and hydrondynamics.
Eddy: An area of slower moving fluid that occurs behind an obstacle.
Fluid dynamics are used in many different ways: - Desinging Aircraft. - improving food products. -building dams -controlling blood flow.
Hydrodynamics: A part of fluid mechanics concerned with how liquids move.An example of hydrodyanamics would be and flowing stream since the water is Moving.
Areodynamics: A part of fluid mechanics concerned with how cases move.An example of adepdynamics would be a wind turbine concidering that the windtirbind Moves with the air.
Fluid mechanics are divided into two different areas, Areodynamics, Hydrodynamics.
Fluid mechanics: the study of fluids and and how they behave at rest and at moving.