Categorie: Tutti - society - education - truth - change

da Allyson Shumway mancano 5 anni


Essential Questions ED200

Teaching should prioritize truth, as it enables students to perceive intelligence and understand reality. The needs of society, the character of students, and the knowledge of educators shape what is worth teaching.

Essential Questions ED200

A Nation at Risk

Public Law 94-142: Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EAHC)

Toward Full Educational Opportunity - Lyndon Johnson

The Educational Outlook in the South By Booker T. Washington

Brown vs. Board of Education

Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education

Horace Mann’s Twelfth Annual Report By Horace Mann

Paulo Freire "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

Jane Addams -"20 Years at the Hull House"

School of Infancy and The Great Didactic by John Amos Comenius

"The Republic" by Plato

"Evils Suffered" by Catherine Beecher

Essential Questions ED200

How do I learn?

"Almost a million young people will continue to quit school each year - if our schools fail to stimulate their desire to learn" -Lyndon Johnson
I agree! This is what modern education fails to do: stimulate desire to learn. Since I have been in college I found this to be my struggle in some of my classes. Some teachers are able to excite their students about learning while others fall flat. I needed teachers who got me interested and excited to learn. It should be more about learning and less about grades.
"Education is inextricably intertwined with a passion to understand." -Johnson
I see this in myself. I enjoy learning because I love how it feels to understand things and I learn best when I am inspired with the desire to understand.
"Let the main object of this, our Didactic, be as follows: To seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners may learn more;" -Comenius
I feel like in some way I learn better when teachers instruct less and let me discover myself more. I learn from experience and practice more than from rote presentations.

What is worth teaching?

"Secondary education should be determined by the needs of the society to be served, the character of the individuals to be educated, and the knowledge of educational theory and practice available."
I believe what is worth teaching depends on first the students needs, second the needs of society, and third the abilities of the teacher. In Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education it talks about the continual need for modification to secondary education as society changes and I agree with this. If we don't keep up with the changes in society students will begin to feel that their education is irrelevant.
"Both philosophy and education are vitally concerned with a search for truth. By its very name education calls teachers to lead from ignorance." -Johnson -Foundations of American Education
This quote reminds me that it is important to lead kids but allow them to find truth on their own instead of telling them what truth is. What is worth teaching is anything we KNOW is absolute truth.
"And the soul is like the eye: when resting upon that on which truth and being shine, the soul perceives and understands and is radiant with intelligence; but when turned towards the twilight of becoming and perishing, then she has opinion only, and goes blinking about, and is first of one opinion and then of another, and seems to have no intelligence? Just so." -Plato
Like Plato says- truth is worth teaching. Anything that is true that a student can perceive as truth can be taught and students should be able to perceive it as truth themselves. As a teacher I want to bring truth to light in children's minds so that they can look and see light and not the dimness of uncertainty.

Who am I and what motivates me?

Paulo Freire paraphrased- Oppression comes from those who do not love not those that aren't loved.
My motivation for how I treat my students is my love and God's love for them. I hope to be able to see them for who they are and treat them as loved individuals with great potential.
Many students are not getting the attention or education needed. Their education is overlooked. This motivates me to pay attention to my student's needs and ensure their education will help them in life and they'll feel important.

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

"Knowledge, learning, information, and skilled intelligence are the new raw materials of international commerce and are today spreading throughout the world as vigorously as miracle drugs, synthetic fertilizers, and blue jeans did earlier."
I see how US public schools are a mechanism fir gaining world power through industry, invention, and discovery. When other nations pass us with their ingenuity and productivity we look back at our schools and wonder if they are good enough.
"The State has in effect a policy that assures all handicapped children the right to a free appropriate public education."
Every state provides educational opportunities for handicapped children.
"When the corporate model is applied to schools, principals, teachers, parents, citizens, and sometimes, students are supposed to come together to discuss and decide on the educationally best practice for their school." -Jean Anyon
Our public schools are built off of the idea of communities, societies, families, all being involved.
Brown vs. Board of Education rejected the notion of "Separate but Equal" and ruled that the separation of children by race created inequality according to the 14th amendment. Now our public schools are open to all races and cannot discriminate based off race.
"(c) Where a State has undertaken to provide an opportunity for an education in its public schools, such an opportunity is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms." -US Supreme Court
Our public schools are built off of an understanding of the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Courts interpretation of it. Brown vs. Board was an interpretation that said that all people must be given equal opportunity for education and it must be given on "equal terms" as well. I agree with this standing.
" By means of early education, these embryos of talent may be quickened, which will solve the difficult problems of political and economical law; "
Our school systems in a way are designed to help create citizens who can solve major political and economic problems. Children are trained to benefit society.
Aquinas speaks of spiritual doctrine as a science but our public schools are not built on that foundation. We are not allowed to teach and sort of apiritual faith or doctrine in public schools.
According to the changes that Jane Addams brought about in the 1880s and 90s I realized that public schools are an evidence of how Jane Addams showed that a child's education is vitally important to the nation and that is why children are required to go to school for twelve years.
"Rectification It follows therefore: (i) That all studies should be carefully graduated throughout the various classes, in such a way that those that come first may prepare the way for and throw light on those that come after. (ii) That the time should be carefully divided, so that each year, each month, each day, and each hour may have its appointed task. (iii) That the division of the time and of the subjects of study should be rigidly adhered to, that nothing may be omitted or perverted." -Comenius Principle 7
Our public schools or the curriculum in them are set up so that what we learn one year prepares us for what we will learn the next year. I like this.
"Deviation - It is an evident absurdity, therefore, if teachers, for their own sake and that of their pupils, do not graduate the subjects which they teach in such a way that, not only one stage may lead on directly to the next, but also that each shall be completed in a given space of time. For unless goals are set up, means provided for reaching them, and a proper system devised for the use of those means, it is easy for something to be omitted or perverted, and failure is the result. " -Comenius Principle 7
Our public school have a teaching curriculum to ensure teachers stay on task and don't miss teaching anything.
"Would you not admit that both the sections of this division have different degrees of truth, and that the copy is to the original as the sphere of opinion is to the sphere of knowledge?" -Plato
Public schools seem to be built upon an idea like Plato's. He talks about how there are different degrees of truth and in public schools we search out lots of truth but as students we teach knowledge but not opinion.
Foundation of creating students who can go out, work, and improve the economy.
Pestalozzi's methods dealing with the heart, body, and mind of children.
The training of teachers who will then be more adequate for the teaching of children.

How do I view those I teach?

"All, regardless of race or class or economic status, are entitled to a fair chance and to the tools for developing their individual powers of mind and spirit to the utmost. "
I will view those I teach as individuals with individual potentials and equal need for love, respect, and guidance in education. I hope to give every student equal opportunity to reach their potential.
In Brown vs. Board of Education we learn that all students have the right to equal education no matter their race. When I view my students I won't see anyone as superior or"better-off" than another. Even though students are different they are of equal worth and all have a potential to reach and I will do all in my power to help every student reach their own individual potential.
I love the words of Martin Luther King in his "I Had a Dream" speech. He basically says that children and people should "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
I hope to be equally fair and always think the best of every student no matter color of skin but I will work with view them each for what they are- Children of God- and I will view their character and help them develop it.
I took away from learning about Jane Addams and the Hull House that we should interact and get on the level of those we teach. Learn from each other about our different cultures, lives, and experiences. Teachers and learners should be on the same level. We can both learn from one another.
"And first, if at present the little ones seem unimportant to you, regard them not as they are now, but as, in accordance with the intention of God, they may and ought to be. You will see them, not only as the future inhabitants of the world and possessors of the earth, and God’s vicars amongst His creatures when we depart from this life, but also equally participators with us in the heritage of Christ, a royal priesthood, a chosen people, associates of angels, judges of devils, the delight of heaven, the terror of hell - heirs of the most excellent dignities throughout all the ages of eternity." -Comenius
"Who are the true followers and disciples of Christ? It is those only who have his spirit, and follow his example. What then do we find these to be? He gave up honors and joys, such as none of us ever possessed, and spent thirty-three years in toils and sufferings, to save the ignorant and lost. And he did it because he loved to do it! He so loved us, and our lost fellow-creatures, that he came not by compulsion, but gladly, by toils and sacrifices, to save us. And when the rich young man came to ask how he should gain eternal life, the reply was, “Sell all that thou hast, and come and follow me.” And to all his followers he said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God – deny thyself daily, and take up thy cross and follow me.”" -Catherine Beecher

Sacrifice for the sake of these children's learning as it has such a great impact on their future lives.

To teach as the Savior taught.

I value Comenius' insight into the potential of children and how they are equal to me and all adults because we will all be the same in the end.

I will view my students not as who they are now but what/who they may become. I will treat them as equals.

What is the role of school in society?

"Nothing matters more to the future of our country: not our military preparedness for armed might is worthless if we lack the brain power to build a world of peace; not our productive economy - for we cannot sustain growth without trained manpower; not our democratic system of government - for freedom is fragile if citizens are ignorant." -Lyndon Johnson
Johnson's quote exemplifies what the role of school should be and how important it is for our societies but also for our nation as a whole.
" the close of the last session more than one said that the Normal School is a good institution, it is making the colored people in this state better citizens. From the opening of the school to the present, the white citizens of Tuskegee have been among its warmest friends." -Booker T. Washington
I love this! This is an example of how education and schools bring communities together, create better citizens, and create unity. This is one of the roles of school in society.
" in a democracy,...should develop in each individual the knowledge, interests, ideals, habits, and powers whereby he will find his place and use that place to shape both himself and society toward ever nobler ends."
I see this in the ideals of parents and leaders of the past but today I see that students and parents rebel against anything that asks them to conform to society's wants or needs. So although education is meant to do this in society it no longer seems to be doing so as students defy what has always been and are changing what society is and means.
"Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men—the balance-wheel of the social machinery."
Education gives everyone opportunity for wealth and success but it doesn't necessarily equalize everyone because everyone uses their education differently. They are equal in opportunity but not necessarily success or wealth.
"Here, too, may those judicial powers be developed and invigorated, which will make legal principles so clear and convincing as to prevent appeals to force; and, should the clouds of war ever lower over our country, some hero may be found, the nursling of our schools, and ready to become the leader of our armies, that best of all heroes, who will secure the glories of a peace, unstained by the magnificent murders of the battlefield."
The role of school in society is to create the next leaders, heroes, and peacemakers.
"I believe that the only true education comes through the stimulation of the child's powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself." -John Dewey (My Pedagogic Creed)
School today prepared students to live specifically in today's society.
accoridng to Aquinas the role of school seems to be to help students learn reason and understand science.
"School is no equalizer" (Harvard Graduate's Speech-Horace Mann quote)- I believe the purpose of school in society is to help every child reach their own individual potential.
I love how Jane Addams exemplifies the power of schools in sociiety. She hows that not only are they places of education but places of social reform where people can come together, discuss matters, and make changes.
Schools are preparing the next generation of leaders, parents, workers. "...unless our children are trained to intelligence and virtue, the nation is ruined;" -Catherine Beecher
To help children develop into good citizens that will benefit society.

What is my work as a learner and a teacher?

"An opportunity for the parents or guardian of a handicapped child to examine all relevant records with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the child, and the provision of a free appropriate public education to such child, and to obtain an independent educational evaluation of the child;"
This is talking mostly about handicapped students but I feel as a teacher it is always important to include parents in learning and make sure they know what is going on with their child at school.
"Good school teachers and plenty of money to pay them will be more potent in settling the race question than many civil rights bills and investigating committees." -Booker T. Washington
I love this! Education itself is enough to overcome racial issues and I think more than just that. More educated people make better decision that impact the world positively so my work as a teacher is to educate away naiveness, ignorance, and arrogance. Education can be the cure to these sort of problems.
"Narration (with the teacher as narrator) leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated content."
I don't agree with this form of teaching. My work as a teacher is not only to tell them the information but help them explore it themselves and discover it themselves along with my help. Then they will remember it because they really learned it not because they had to memorize it.
Idealism through Plato's approach- "Questioning, discuss, analyze, synthesize, and apply to contemporary society."
My role as a teacher is to create discussion, question asking, and analysis among my students because we learn better when we discover something on our own than when someone tells us what is and isn't true. Then helping students apply it solidifies the teaching in them.
I will do my best, I said; but I should think that a great deal will have to be omitted. You have to imagine, then, that there are two ruling powers, and that one of them is set over the intellectual world, the other over the visible. I do not say heaven, lest you should fancy that I am playing upon the name ('ourhanoz, orhatoz'). May I suppose that you have this distinction of the visible and intelligible fixed in your mind?
Plato talks about connecting the visual and intelligible worlds and this sparks in my mind the importance of helping students understand things visually and conceptually so that they can see and know and so that they can understand how what they learn applies to life.
"The mind of a young child is like a curious instrument, capable of exquisite harmony when touched by a skillful hand, but sending forth only annoying harshness when unskillfully addressed." -Catherine Beecher
According to this quote that I love my work is to teach with a "skillful hand" according to what I have learned and know to be right in dealing with and teaching children. It is my work to learn the skills to best reach the children.
"The educating of children, that is the true and noble profession of a woman – that is what is worthy the noblest powers and affections of the noblest minds." -Catherine Beecher
To educate children because it is the noblest of things to do. Education empowers children and enables them. It leads children to have better lives.
To love the children and create in them a passion for learning.
"See the little happy group around their best beloved friend – their beau ideal of all that is good, and wise, and lovely! How their bright eyes sparkle as she opens the casket of knowledge, and deals out its treasures! How their young hearts throb with generous and good emotions, as she touches the thrilling chords she has learned so skillfully to play! What neatness and order in all her little dominion! What ready obedience, what loving submission, what contrite confession, what generous aspirations after all that is good and holy!" -Catherine Beecher