Categorie: Tutti - motivations - habits - challenges - values

da Eric Johnson mancano 2 anni


Create the perfect customer by creating your ideal avatar for your product!

Creating a comprehensive customer avatar is essential for effective product development and marketing strategies. By understanding the specific looks, motivations, and challenges faced by your ideal customer, you can tailor solutions that resonate deeply with their needs.

Create the perfect customer by creating your ideal avatar for your product!

Customer Avatar

Create the perfect customer by creating your ideal avatar for your product!

When creating an avatar you can use it multiple ways to influence your marketing.

A few tips to consider:

This can help you build out profiles of the people that you enjoy working with

Create a negative avatar to gain clarity about whom you know you don’t want to serve as a customer and who doesn’t make a good fit.

Stalk your ideal customer by looking at social media site profiles. Fill in your profile with their qualities.

Build and flush out all the details you can with your avatar.

Don’t go overboard, but any lucrative market segment with a distinct set of goals, sources of information, pain points, etc. is deserving of a customer avatar.

Write a one page Dossier

Condense your info

Design a dossier: A dossier is a one-page collection of information about your avatar that includes the name, picture, information, and story about your avatar.

Condense down your avatar to a cheat sheet. Use this as a reference when creating your marketing material.


Tell a story from your avatars perspective

Write a story as your ideal customer avatar.

Imagine that you are them, journaling about discovering and using your product.

What did they do before using your...?

What are they thinking while using your...?

What are they really trying to accomplish with your...?

What do they do after your...?

When will they come back to your...?

What were they thinking before they bought your...?

How were they feeling?

Why where they feeling that way?

What were they looking for?

What were they hoping to solve or accomplish?

How did they find you/hear about you?

How did they feel once they purchased your product/service?

{Name} is (here,there)

Where art thou?

Describe where your avatar was, is, and going to before, during and after they encountered your product/service.

Start to develop a picture of them before they reached you, during the process of buying, using and finishing your product/services.

Drive out benefits and emotions related to them in relationship to what you offer.

{Name} is committed to...

What are they already committed to?

Write out a lifestyle summary of how they live.

{Name} wants to...

What goals or desires do they have?

Sum up, in a story like fashion, what goasl, dreams and desires they might have.

One very important aspect is to dwell down on the benefits of their goals....

How does it make them feel during the process, finishing, relapsing...?

Pain points
{Name}'s pain points are...

What type of pain are they dealing with?

From info about goals, values, success etc...

Write a mini story about what their pain points might be.

{Name} is challenged with...

What challenges do they face?

Are they physically/mentally/technically challenged?

This is a good area to write a mini story about your avatar. Be detailed and extract emotions out of the challenges that they face.


Who is your avatar?

Applying demographic information will bring your customer avatar to life.

While the usual demographics are critical, the exercise of filling in the ‘Quote’ field can be particularly helpful to “get inside the head” of your ideal customer.

The demographics are another useful part of the Customer Avatar when choosing targeting options in ad platforms like Facebook.

And, when writing content, email or sales copy it can be beneficial to simply write as though your avatar were sitting across the table from you. Demographic information like age, gender and location will give your persona a look and feel.


What make them tick?

Examples of Psychographic traits are: wants a healthy lifestyle, values time with family, doesn’t have much time, uses Pinterest to do home DIY projects.



Who or what type of commitments might they have?




What habits doe they currently have?



Lifestyle characteristics

What are some things about their lifestyle?



What hobbies or other interest do they have?

There are many things for people to get involved in. Does your avatar spend time doing other activities?



What is their outlook?



What values may they have?

There are many different values to choose from. Use the link above to look at a list of core values written by Colin Hiles.

Make note of the goals and values that are relevant to the products and services you offer.

You’ll use this information to drive Product creation, Copywriting, Content marketing, Email marketing

Demo Graphics

What else can you add?

Are there any other details that you can add to make this person seem more real?



What can you add about their religious traits?


Does your Avatar practice a particular religion?

These question can help further develop some more of the psychographic data as well as motivators

Types of education

types of education

What are they educated in?

Level of education

level of education

What level of education did they reach?

Other things to consider would be if they have continuing education to go through.

HighschoolSome CollegeCollege Grad
Annual income

annual ncome

How much do they make yearly?

Find comparative figures, relative to their occupation to guide you in their income

Occupation location

Where do they work?

A lot of your avatars lifestyle may be built around work. This is an area worth expanding on and investigating.



What do they do?

They may have more than one job.



Where do they live?

This may tell you alot about their psychographics and motivators.

Things to think about may be if they are happy where they are at, if they are moving anytime soon or in the future.

Or, if they have multiple places where they live and may indicate a busy life



Children ages

children ages

What are the ages of their children?

As you build them out, realize that children may affect other psychographics and motivators

Marital status

marital status

What is the marital status of your avatar?


If they happen to be married or divorced, that may influence how you put together other components of their personality or traits



What is the sex of your avatar?



What is the age of your avatar?

Consider that your product/service may best utilized by people of specific age brackets...

This may need more research to figure out if the person you are trying to reach can access or use it appropriately to fix their problem


Fictional name

Enter your Avatars name here

When naming your avatar, have fun with it....

You can add in a characteristic or trait of the avatar you are creating to give them more personality

Something like:
Rick the webmaster
Darla the home cooker
Judith the fit mom

Get creative and use it to trigger the personality of the person you are going to write in your marketing


How do they make their decisions?

Their values need to be taken into account here. Also, to consider, are their others involved in some fashion, directly or indirectly, with regards to their decision making process?

Objections & Role in the purchase process
Objections to the sale

What objections might they have?

You must also determine your avatar’s role in the purchasing process.

Why would your customer avatar choose NOT to buy your product or service?

These are called “objections” and they must be addressed in your marketing. 7 common objections are:

  1. Price|Complacency|Fear of Change|Trust|Personal Politics|External Input|Timing


This section of the Customer Avatar Worksheet is critical to determining the “where” of your customer avatar.

You will determine the best places to advertise and the targeting options you’ll use to reach your avatar by listing their sources of information.

Use the “But no one else would” trick when filling out this section of the worksheet. You’ll simply complete sentences like these…

My ideal customer would read [BOOK], but no one else would.

My ideal customer would subscribe to [MAGAZINE], but no one else would.

My ideal customer would attend [CONFERENCE], but no one else would.

For example, if you are in the golf products market – you wouldn’t want to assign Tiger Woods as a guru. Tiger is someone that golfers are familiar with… but so is everyone else.

Instead, choosing a more niche golfer like Rory McElroy will allow you to hone in on your ideal customer – and exclude everyone else.

When buying traffic from ad platforms like Facebook, you’ll often be able to laser target your audience by focusing on these niche interests — while excluding less than ideal prospects.

Cultural engagments

What types of festivities might they engage in?

Are their any cultural engagements that they observe, cherish, or participate in?

Where do they go to engage socially
Social engagment

Where do they go to engage socially?

Where do they visit to find info

Where do they go to...?

The idea is to find the niche books, magazines, blogs, conferences, gurus, etc. your ideal customer would be attracted to – but no one else would.

You are trying to narrow down certain areas where they may be different form others. Try to find ways to separate them from the crowd.




Can you add any other details where they might be?



What books do the enjoy or don't enjoy?



Who do they follow?

When they speak about topics who do they quote or trust in the industry they are getting info in?



Do they attend conferences or lectures?



What blogs do they read?



What sites do they visit?

Social media sites

social media

Where do they engage socially online?


This section will drive new product/service development as well as the copywriting and ad creative you’ll use to compel your ideal customer to action.

Build solutions to your avatars challenges and pain points and use language that addresses them.

Favorite Key phrases/quotes


Are there quotes are key phrases they might like?

Looks/physical features

What do they look like?

Detail out distinguishing features that they carry.

Such as:

How do they relax



What activities do they engage in to decrease stress?

What conversations are happening around their kitchen table

home conversations

What are they talking about?

What do they dislike



What types of places, people, things, activities do they NOT enjoy?

What do they like



What types of places, people, things, activities do they enjoy?

What keeps them up at night

what keeps them up

Mental stress

Are there things that keeps your avatar up at night?

What do they worry about?

What are their fears, frustrations challenges


What do the fear?

Fear is a huge motivator. Flush out things that your avatar may be afraid of...

What they desire, want and aspire to?


What goals or dreams might they have?