Kategóriák: Minden - empathy - values - beliefs - experiences

a Arianna Contreras 4 éve


Web | basic ACE Saturdays

Creating a personal worldview involves mapping out and examining one's beliefs, values, and past experiences to understand how they interconnect and influence daily life. This process helps identify areas of cognitive dissonance, where conflicting beliefs or values may arise, and encourages reflection on their consistency.

Web | basic ACE Saturdays

Floating topic


Any tensions w/ web?

Connect it w/ web

Theme or question?

Introduce yourself

My web / personal religion / philosophy of life / sense of self / life list

My worldview. Life map. Web of beliefs. B-system. Personal philosophy. Personal religion. Sense of self. Way of life.

This mind map is an aid to help you figure out your personal worldview: what you believe and value and how those beliefs and values relate to one another as well as to past experiences and how you live your daily life.

Pay attention to whether your beliefs, values, practices, and experiences are consistent with one another or whether you have spots of cognitive dissonance where there's a conflict between, say, two of your beliefs or between a belief and a deeply held value.

As you develop your "web" of beliefs you could also consider how it compares and contrasts with the beliefs, values, practices, and experiences of others. Although perfectly understanding others and where they're coming from is probably unrealistic if you put work into practicing imaginative empathy to construct what seems to you to be their web of beliefs, values, practices, and experiences, you could get some sense of where they're coming from and possibly get a glimpse of what it's like to be them.

This sort of "worldview mind mapping" can also give you insight into the overall, often complicated, rationale of your beliefs and the beliefs of others. Moreover, worldview mind mapping could offer a rough and informal picture of what it means for a belief or practice to be rational or reasonable. This is true especially for our bigger-picture beliefs that can't be directly proven from, say, sense experience, introspection, memory, testimony, or so-called pure reasoning.


i believe in others and give credit where its due
i dont even believe in myself
not judging people if you dont know them


social norms

Emotions | "What do I feel?"

closed off emotonally
i always say "i'm okay" even when im not.
i dont let anyone get close to me and eventually push them away
i hate feeling vulnerable and will avoid situations that will make me feel like so
school expectations make me stressed, which turns into anger
i feel like im not as good as an athlete, even tho i can be
pas relationshps
not exceeding expectations of my parents
social norms and expectations

Blind spots? | "What am I missing?" or "What are we hiding?"

Avoiding or changing the topic | What's not being said?
im missing my true passion and what i want to do with the rest of my life
my true feelings about not wanting to live up to my parents exoectations.


Missing things | What's being overlooked?
i hide the fact that im afraid of being alone

Relationships | "Who do I really connect with?"

i don't see the rest of my family and its rare if i do.
I have an amazing relationship with my team (cross country)
Me and my brother don't talk as much
don't trust my dad as much, hes very judgmental.
I trust my mom the most
holds too much expectations for me
My bestfriends. (there are 4)

Experiences | "What's it like being me?"

Here's where you add important life experiences that have shaped you. These could be major or minor experiences from childhood up to the present moment.

i got my first medal for cross country last year and it was my first year racing
it made me feel like i was finally worth something
my dad was an alcoholic for half of my life
made me really angry
A lot of people leave my life and i really dont know why
since people leave me, i push new people away so it wont happen

Values | "What's important to me?"

Here's where you add what matters to you. What's important to you? What's not? What do you feel is central and what's not that important? One way to think about this is to think through what you love, what you hate, and what you're indifferent about.

These values inform how you evaluate things. Your personal judgment of values themselves, experiences, beliefs, practices, projects, and relationships.

this is tension because i want freedom but i feel like im trapped and don't get to do what i want.
this causes tension because i'm not honest with myself and don't always tell the truth to people but i expect people to tell me the truth.


Actions/Practices/Habits/Behaviors | "How do I live my life?"

This is where you add actions, practices, routines, and rituals. What do you actually do in your life? What do you think about? How do you spend your time? How do you spend your money? What does your phone history say about how you organize your life? What about your trash can?

school 6 days a week
parents expect me to have straight A's and threaten to take sports away if i don't
parents forced me to do the ACE program
sports 5-6 days a week
this is what truly makes me happy, even though it hurts physically
Work 3 days a week
i met a lot of my friends there
makes things more stressful but i like expensive things