Tech Interview
Cell Phones
Currently owns a Droid
First cell phone in 2002
Other Apple equipment
My wife owns an iPhone, I own an Android
My children own iPads
My iPod is a Nano
My entire family owns iPods
Steven Margossian
45 years old
Feels fairly adaptable to new technology
Time spent on Internet
Believes he is less productive as a whole because of it
Spends about 6-7 hours on internet
85% of time spent on internet is work related
Internet access as of 2003
Wireless internet access as of 2007
Started using eMail around 2000
Started using Internet while at medical school (1990s)
Tried to stay off as much as he could because of how dialup works
However my wife does
I do not use Facebook
Work today is mainly computer based
Did not really have any other education on computers
Learned a bit of BASIC while taking Calculus at RMHS