Kategóriák: Minden - activities - meditation - mindfulness - mental health

a Ho Nathan 3 éve


self awarnesswhat did we learn

Understanding self-awareness involves recognizing one's own actions, feelings, and thoughts. It encompasses different mindsets, such as a growth mindset, which is characterized by the belief in continual improvement and positive thinking, and a fixed mindset, where individuals feel limited by their current capabilities and often harbor negative thoughts.

self awarnesswhat did we learn

self awarness what did we learn

how does this help

how to find yourself when you don't know who you are going to be
it helps with your mental health

what activites we do for self awarness

activites we did
self awarness journal
Mindfulness Meditation
read and dissect quotes
laughter yoga

difrents types of mind sets

growth mindsets
alway thinking they can do better
positive thoughts
fixed mindset
negitive thoughts
thinks that there at there limits

what is self awarness

the abilitys to tune in to