Kategóriák: Minden - travail - technique - concentration

a Juliane Lara 2 éve


Pomodoro Technique

La technique Pomodoro est une méthode de gestion du temps qui vise à améliorer la concentration et la productivité. Elle se divise en plusieurs étapes structurées. Tout d'abord, on choisit une tâche à accomplir puis, on règle un minuteur sur 25 minutes, période appelée une "

Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique

A method for staying focused and mentally fresh!

Step 4

If you already did 4 pomodoros, take a longer break, between 15-30 minutes. In this break you can go for a walk, eat something, do a short circuit of exercises, etc.
Plan your breaks ahead!

Repeat 4 times

Step 3

After each pomodoro do a 5 minute break! In these 5 minutes, think of/do anything but the task.
You can add your ideas for the 'lightning' breaks: it can be a 5-minute stretching, reading a short article, etc.

5-minute break

Step 2

Each 25 minute is one 'pomodoro', and it's a 25-minute focused work.
You can write the time of the start and progress on the task.

Timer to 25 min

Step 1

How many Pomodoros you might need? Plan your pomodoros, then choose the task you want to start it with!

Pick a task

Choose the task you want to start it with!

Plan your Pomodoros!

How many Pomodoros you might need?