Kategóriák: Minden - estudiante - compromiso - metacognitivas - retos

a Karina Colin 4 éve





Type in the name of the multiple-perspectives text.

Example: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson


Identify an important issue from the text that is being presented from different angles. Type it in.

Example: Jesse's drawing talent.


Whose character does the third point of view belong to?

Type in his/her name.

Example: Mr. Aarons, Jesse's father.

Estrategias de regulación


Conocer los procesos de pensamiento que tiene lugar en la mente de las personas competentes a la hora de enfrentarse a una tarea compleja.


Interrogarse sobre los motivos y consecuencias de estudiar un tema o realizar una tarea. ¿que aprendí? ¿Para que me sirve?

Estrategias metacognitivas


Las actividades de supervisión o monitoreo son las que se efectúan durante la ejecución de las labores para aprender.


Identifica la meta del aprendizaje la selección y programación estrategia. ¿como puedo hacerlo?

What kind of narration introduces the viewpoint?

Choose an answer:

First person point of view - using the personal pronouns 'I' or 'we'Second person point of view - using the personal pronoun 'you'Third person point of view - using the third-person pronouns 'he', 'she' and 'they'Omniscient point of view - an all-seeing observer tells the story
Estrategias cognitivas

What does the character think, say or do that suggests their perspective on the issue?

Type in a quote and try to maintain the citation format.

Example: 'He would like to show his drawings to his dad, but he didn't dare. (...) He'd thought his dad would be pleased. He wasn't. What are they teaching in that damn school? he had asked.' (Paterson, 2.8)

Aprendizaje significativo

Redes semánticas Mapas conceptuales Uso de estructuras textuales.


Suponen integrar y relacionar la nueva informació que ha de aprender con los conocimientos previos.


Decide on the second point of view

Name the character (it can either be the main character or one of the supporting characters) whose point of view you are presenting.

Miss Edmunds, Jesse's music teacher.

Compromiso y motivación

Son responsables de su aprendizaje pues se convierten en agentes activos y auto gestores del mismo.

Metas propias

Los limites los pone el estudiante.

Actitud proactiva

Type in a quote that points out the character's position about the issue.

Try to follow a citation format: author's name, chapter, and page.

Example: 'She said he was unusually talented, and she hoped he wouldn't let anything discourage him.' (Paterson, 2. 8)

Disponen de un amplio margen de libertad y libertad que les permitirá tomar decisiones respecto aprendizaje.

How is the viewpoint introduced in the story?

Choose an answer:

First person point of viewSecond person point of viewThird person point of viewOmniscient point of view

Decide on the first point of view you are going to present.

Type in the name of the character (it can either be the main character or one of the supporting characters) whose point of view belongs to.

Example: Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr., the main character of the novel, a fifth-grader living in a rural Southern area.

Administrar tiempo

Se deberá llevar una organización en las labores tanto personales como laborales.

Destrezas comunicativas

Deberá potencializar habilidades de lectura y escritura.

What type of narration introduces the viewpoint?

Choose an answer:

First person point of view - using the personal pronouns 'I' or 'we'Second person point of view - using the personal pronoun 'you'Third person point of view - using the third-person pronouns 'he', 'she' and 'they'Omniscient point of view - an all-seeing observer tells the story

Type in a relevant quote that highlights the character's point of view towards

Try following a citation format: author's name, chapter, and page.

Example: 'Jesse drew the way some people drank whiskey. (...) Lord, he loved to draw. (...) When he was in first grade, he told his father that he wanted to be an artist when he grew up.' (Paterson, 2. 7)

El alumno tendrá los medios para la investigación y estudio.