Kategóriák: Minden - environment - product - differentiation - curriculum

a jessica_rae j 5 éve


Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is essential for accommodating the diverse learning needs of students. Teachers can tailor their approach through various methods, including adjusting the process, environment, product, and content.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

Teachers Can use DI through...

safe and respectful learning environment
be flexible with what a proper classroom looks like
provide different spaces for all students
give them choice!

be clear on what you are assessing

be open to suggestions on product as long as learning goals are met

provide two or three options and allow students to choose

flexible and short term
do your best to give equitable opportunity for all students to do their best
teachers can become overwhelmed with too much going on
all students learn differently
learning begins from their point of readiness
know your student's interests

Not Just for IEP Students

same assessment strategies
based on the same curriculum expectations


importnats of music and art
FNMI representation from guests
anti-racist discourse
adapting the curriculem
utilize FNMI resources
understand problematic histories between education system and FNMI students
practical information
understand different ways of knowing
more FNMI content