Kategóriák: Minden - trust - rebellion - society - intentions

a dara twomey 5 éve


conflict in media

The novel "Taken" by Erin Bowman explores intense person vs. person and person vs. society conflicts. Gray, the protagonist, becomes entangled in a rebellion after uncovering the sinister plans of Frank, a figure of authority.

conflict in media

conflict in media

Zombie and No bravery

I can connect the two songs Zombie by The Cranberries and No bravery by James Blunt as a person vs world and an external conflict. The connection between the two songs is that they are both about the struggles of war and how it affects us, as well as how it affects children in war. For example, in the lyrics to Zombie, it says "Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken and the violence caused such silence, who are we mistaken?" this part of the song talks about children being taken away in war and soldiers being killed. To further explain, in the lyrics to No bravery, it says "There are children standing here, arms outstretched and to the sky, tears drying on their face, he has been here." this lyric also talks about children affected during war and how war has affected many families during that time.
Person vs person


Another connection
A connection I can make between The Lord of the Flies by William Goulding and a poem called Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen is that both stories take place during war. To further explain, in the poem it says "Gas! Gas! Quick boys!-An ecstasy of fumbling fitting the clumsy helmets just in time," This quote shows that the poem takes place during a war because it is known that gas was used in the first world wars, and in the quote is describes the soldiers struggling to get their helmets on before the gas kills them. To continue, The Lord of the flies takes place during world war 2, we know this because in the novel it says "There was a speck above the island, a figure dropping swiftly beneath a parachute, a figure that hung with dangling limbs." this quote shows that the story takes place during a war because the figure that is floating above the island is a soldier who was killed during the war.
Lord of the Flies and Dulce et Decorum Est
Supporting evidence
This would be a text to text connection because I am comparing two different texts. To continue, in Othello it says "This wretch hath part confessed his villainy; did you and he consent in Cassio's death?" This quote shows how Iago was planning this all along and he finally confessed his plans after it was to late. This type of conflict in each book is person vs person because Gray vs Frank and Othello vs Iago.
I can connect the two novels "Taken" by Erin Bowman and "Othello" by Shakespeare because in both novels there is person vs person conflict, for example in Othello, Othello's tragic flaw throughout the story is that he is to trusting and gullible. Unfortunately, this trait of his doesn't work in favour, as he ends up trusting everything that Iago tells him about Desdemona and Cassio and makes a big mistake. A similar situation occurs in my independent novel "Taken" when Gray first arrives in Taem, and meets Frank, Gray believes and trusts everything Frank tells him about The Laicos Project. But later it is revealed that it was all lies just like Othello finds out Iago was plotting against him in the end. In other words, both characters go through a phase of being to trusting, not being open minded and eventually getting betrayed.
Taken and Othello

What role does conflict play in literature and media?


Person vs Person conflict in my novel Taken by Erin Bowman is when Gray finds out about Franks true plans, he turns to the rebellion and wants to stop Frank from causing more harm. For example, in the novel it says "I flip the final journal closed and push it toward the others. It's hard to take in so much so quickly, and yet it's oddly relieving to see the truth so plainly before my eyes." This quote shows person vs person conflict because this is when Gray reads the journals that were stolen from Taem by the rebels that reveals Frank's true intentions and the truth about The Laicos Project.
Person Vs Society

There is person vs society conflict in my independent novel Taken, when Gray finds out the truth about his home and the Laicos project, he makes it clear that he doesn't agree with societies ways and that the people of Claysoot should freed and deserve to know the truth.

Person vs Person