Kategóriák: Minden - planning - responsibility - management - culture



Business ethics

Integrating a business ethics program within an organization promotes a stronger sense of commitment, belonging, and responsibility among employees, ultimately aiming for the common good and benefiting the community.

Business ethics

Thank you

Manuela Beltran University Human Talent Management Specialization. Group: Alexandra Bolaños Figueredo Viviana Romero García Diana M. Leyva Pérez

BIBLIOGRAPHY - Claudia Jenith Aguilar, March 2017, Strategic planning of human talent, Ethics in strategic planning. - https://www.monografias.com/trabajos55/indicadores-gestion/indicadores-gestion2.shtml

If you do not measure what you do, you can not control it and if you can not control it, you can not control it and if you can not manage it can not be improved.


CONCLUSION: Business ethics is essential for an adequate work environment where social commitment is as important as any other activity, where each process is carried out with the utmost care and responsibility so as not to harm third parties, where every situation that occurs is given a adequate management and organizational culture for everyone who enters it with priority to encourage love for their daily work.

We analyzing the previous question, we conclude that integrating a business ethics program in an organization expects greater commitment in each process, sense of belonging, responsibility in each activity carried out where a common good is sought, benefiting the community going a little beyond where the company has always been in social matters and improving the work environment.

Business ethics is important for the planning of a strategy because it is part of the organizational culture and every strategy is based on the company's strengths which are based on appropriate behaviors, corporate responsibility, which determine the way in which the company behaves with its environment and the social footprint it seeks to leave in the sector in which it operates. This reflects the ethical and moral behavior of the organization.


Corporate philosophy that aims to achieve benefits taking into account the integration and implementation of processes

Management indicators

Data reflected in consequences of actions taken in the past
They produce information to analyze the performance of any area of the organization and verify the fulfillment of the objectives in terms of results
Implementation of an adequate System in search of strategic positions
They detect and foresee deviations in the achievement of the objectives.
Frequently used to evaluate performance and results
Determining Agents so that all processes are carried out with efficiency and effectiveness
- Time for the fulfillment of results. - Time to fill vacancies. - Staff rotation.
- Training. - Absenteeism. - Retention of Human Talent.

Appropriate behaviors and organizational culture


- Focus Friedman: economic intervention of governments generate actions of social responsibility. - Focus Carroll : from this perspective four types of responsibilities are posed: economic, legal, ethical and discretional.


Tools based on ethics, which facilitate the regulation of processes and behaviors of the same
AXES: 1. Utilitarian: Consequences of the implementation of strategies and business actions. 2. Respect and individuality: guarantee respect for each of the parties involved in the development of the business 3. Justice: guarantee equal treatment and benefits for the parties


Commitment to business responsibilities that determine the behavior and footprint that seeks to leave in the industry.