Kategóriák: Minden - acid - ph - bonds - hydrolysis

a Webster Isha-Lee 3 éve


Bonds and reactions

Chemical bonding and reactions are fundamental concepts in chemistry. Different types of bonding include polar covalent, ionic, and covalent, each defined by how atoms share or transfer electrons based on their electronegativity.

Bonds and reactions

Bonds and reactions

PH - is the mesurement of how acidic/basic water is. Ranging from 0-14 and 7 being neutral anything between 0-7 is acidic and between 7-14 is a alkaline /base

Biochemial reactions

Redox reaction- Reaction that involves the transfer of electorns between chemical species
Hydrolysis reaction- A reaction involving water to form a new substance.
Neutralization reaction -when a acid and a base react together to form water and a salt, involes H+ ions and OH- to generate water
Condensation reaction- Two molecules reacting together to form a new single organic compound.

Dipole-Dipole - These forces occur when the partially positively charged part of the molecule interacts with the negative charged part of neighbouring molecule


Polar covalent bonding - Atoms of slighty different electronegativities share electrons.
Covalent bonding- The bond formed between atoms that have similar electronegativity charge
Ionic bonding -is formed by the valence electrons between atoms.

Base- a substance that releses hydroxide OH- ions in aqueous solution. Donates electron and accepts protons.

Buffer- Is a aqueous solution resist change in th PH, after adding a acid or base

Acid - a molecule that can donate a proton or accept a electron pair during a reaction, increases the concentrtion of H+ ions

Vab der Waals - Is the measurment/properties of a gas under non-ideal conditions

London dispersion - these are the weakest of the Intermolecular forces and exist between all types of molecules, weather ionic or covalent polar or non polar. The more electrons a molcule has the stronger the London dispersion forces are

Hydrogen bonds-Special kind of dipole- dipole interaction that occurs specifically between atoms bonded to either oxygen, nitrogen, or flourine atom

Intramolecular- forces that hold atoms together within a molecule

Intermolecular- the force that exist between molecues