Catégories : Tous - dolo - culpa - acción - sujeto

par Coleen Arboine Il y a 4 années


Tipicidad: descripcion de una conducta humana

En el ámbito del derecho penal, la tipicidad se refiere a la descripción precisa de una conducta humana que encaja en un tipo penal específico. Este concepto incluye varios elementos, tanto subjetivos como objetivos, que son esenciales para determinar la responsabilidad penal de un individuo.

Tipicidad: descripcion de una conducta humana

Tipicidad: descripcion de una conducta humana

Type in the name of your subject.

Topic principal


Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.

Tipo culposo


Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.

Check your knowledge

Add a list of questions to help you recap your lecture.

Tipo Doloso
Dolo directo primer y segundo grado ( conducta dolosa con la misma gravedad)

Write down if there are things you would like to discuss or clarify with your teacher or colleagues in relation to this topic.

Dolo eventual /resultado d probable producción)

comisión de omisión

Add a short description of the lecture.

Elementos tipos penales

Add here all the details about your projects.

Group 1
Team Members

Student Name

Short Project Description
Project Name
elementos objetivos
Sujeto pasivo

Debe de pagar

Bien juridico
Nexo de causalidad

Relacion de Accion u omision


Voluntad de realizar una accion

Sujeto activo

Realiza la conducta previstas en el tipo penal "persona física" (Comunes, especiales, plurisubjetivos)

elementos subjetivos. Art 30 cp

Add the team members.

Va mas allá de la intencion


Add a short project description.

Accion tipica antijuridica


Add the project name.

voluntad de realización de un acto

Course Readings

Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.

Book title

Add summary of the content of a book


Add details about where you can get it from. For e.g.: library, bookstore, audiobook, etc.

Publishing information

Add the publishing information.


Name the author.

Course objectives

Did your teacher present the objectives of this course? Write them down and add anything else that might help you reach these objectives.

Tipo de garantia(principio de legalidad)

Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.


Write down the attendance policy, to avoid confusion throughout the year.


Type in the name of your teachers and teacher assistants, plus any details you should know about them.


Add details about your course.