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par ZeeSmasher ZeeSmasher Il y a 3 années


Jurassic Park Analysis

The film "Jurassic Park" has been criticized for its historical inaccuracies, particularly regarding the depiction of dinosaurs and plants from various time periods, rather than exclusively from the Cretaceous era.

Jurassic Park

Thesis: The theme of Jurassic park is the danger and patriarchal power, without responsibility. This is seen in three ways: irresponsible use of power by Hammond to control nature with science, misuse of Denis Nedry’s power to sabotage the park, women have power to do difficult tasks on their own.

Works Cited "Clever Girl: A Feminist Interpretation of Jurassic Park." -, 7 June 2018, "Ellie Sattler." Jurassic Park Wiki, Accessed 29 Mar. 2021. "Clever Girl: A Feminist Interpretation of Jurassic Park." -, 7 June 2018, Firaque, Kabir. "Jurassic Park’s Venom-spitting Dilophosaurus Was Fiction. What Did It Really Look Like?" The Indian Express, 13 July 2020, "Isla Nublar (movie Canon)." Jurassic Park Wiki, Accessed 24 Mar. 2021. "Jurassic Park (1993)." IMDb, "Jurassic Park: Key Facts." SparkNotes, "Jurassic Park." Helping Writers Become Authors, 14 June 2015,,his%20mysterious%20new%20theme%20park.&text=By%20the%20time%20we%20finally,for%20a%20character%2Dcentric%20intro. "A Quote by Jurassic Park." Goodreads | Meet Your Next Favorite Book,

Jurassic Park Analysis

Does it relate to Real life do i like it?

How does my life relate to the movie?
The scene in which the group went into the lab to look at the dinosaur, I understand the scene differently as I like to learn sciences so the science part of the movie does not quite make sense with mixing DNA and rebuilding the dinosaur DNA.
The use of technology in the begining of the movie at the dig site and the static signal from the camera, made me feel that it takes time for things to improve and be stable and eventually evolve. I started to get interested with all the new innovation in tech and keeping up with the trends. The movie makes more sense as the technology was limited and not alot of people had coding skills in 1993.
I always loved to discover and search for new things, Jurassic Park interested me as it had scenes of people digging up dinosaurs. My experience helped me to understand the movie as a explorer and enthusiast. The scene with people digging up dinosaurs made me feel excited to go explore more about dinosaurs. The movie inspired me to learn more about dinosaurs and cretaceous history.
What I like about the movie?
The movie was full of props and real dinosaur robots, the movie was filmed in the 90s where the graphical tech was not too advanced to build figures in the scene virtually.
Jurassic parks' scenes where the dinosaurs were face to face with the cast made the movie more realistic as there is no abnormal looking green person with the raptor face.
Jurassic park had great sound effects and visual aspects that made the movie thrilling and entertaining.
The movie had amazing dinosaur animatronics that was used on the real set with the actors.

Formalist Analysis

Point of View
Third Person Omnicient
Resolution: John Hammond picks everyone on the park jeep with Ian Malcom to reach the helipad and escape the island.
Falling Action: Just as everyone in the main office building was about to be eaten by raptor, the T-rex swoops in and saves the day by killing the raptors.
Climactic Moment: Dr. Sattler and Dr. Grant reunite with Lex and Tim after they were chased by raptors in the kitchen. They get to the security room for safety, only to be attacked by more raptors.
Rising Action 3: A giant storm engulfs the park and island with rain and lightning. At this time, tech expert Dennis Nedry chooses to excute his command to shut down all the gates and fences on the park to steal dino DNA from the lab and reach the dock.
Rising Action 2: The group goes for a tour around the island viewing the dinosaurs, when passing through a grassy terrain, Dr Sattler sees a dinosaur and rushs to get to it. The group discovers a Triceratops sick laying on the ground with a jurassic park employee. She then chooses to follow the employee to treat the triceratops so she gets separated.
Rising Action: Upon reaching Isla Nublar, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcom discover that John has made dinosaurs on the island
Inciting Incident: John Hammond meets them at their dig site to invite them to his new theme park, in exchange to fund their entire dig site.
The theme of Jurassic park is the danger and patriarchal power, without responsibility.
Robert Muldoon the raptor specialist
Donald Gennaro the Lawyer
Ian Malcom the Chaotician
Park owner John Hammond
Antagonist: Dennis Nedry the computer expert
Protagonist: a palaeobotanist, Ellie Sattler
Protagonist: a palaeontologist, Alan Grant
Man Vs Nature: The Group Vs Dinosaurs
Man Vs Man: John Hammond Vs Dennis Nedry
located on Isla Nublar, 120 miles due west of Coasta Rica

Readers response: Dislikes

Jurassic Park has many things that were removed from the movie when directly lifting from the book. There are many great elements and scenes that the movie does not have that have great detail to the story of the movie.
The dinosaur "dilophosaurus" in real history looks different compared to the movie version of the dinosaurs. The movie portrays the dinosaur to open up some flaps and look bigger when agitated but the real version looked more like a raptor with a bump on their head.
Jurassic park the movie had a incorrect historic representation, every dinosaur and plant in the park are from different times. Dinosaurs existed in the Cretaceous era so Jurassic park is not the correct era to describe the park.

Feminist Analysis

Dennis Nedry's power
He made said to come back in 20 minutes but never came back and Hammond did not bother to find him until everything has already gone dark
His plan to reach the dock to be able to sell his dino DNA falls short when the dinosaurs that he let loose kills him.
He disables all the cameras so that no one will know anything about his plan
He disabled all the electric doors and fences in the park to steal dinosaur DNA
He has too much control over the tech part of the park
The raptors are Female and are smart at figuring out strategies, ideas and communication between each other.
Lex has computer skills and is referred to as "hacker" by Tim, she used her skills to bring the power back to the park security. She was not critized for her skill but was just made fun off by her brother who calls her hacker but she is actually a computer specialist. Her character was not very well focused on to develope her interests and believes. She broke the general idea of men being able to handle the hard computer coding and women are not smart enought to be coders. She managed to get into the Jurassic park main frame system codes and restored power to the park.
Dr. Sattler has the ability to nurture a dinosaur herself and uses her paleobotanist skills to investigate the problem with the dinosaur. Her abilities were neither acknowledged nor treated differently as any other character. Only by Ian Malcom when he questioned her skills on checking the dino droppings. Dr. Sattler's skills were ignored up until the part where she had to run through the jungle to reach the power station at the other side to re-activate the park systems. She was a different character compared to any other female character seen before as she was not relying on neither Alan nor Ian as she was independent. She wanted to get away from discovering dinosaur bones and settle down. She is surrounded by men but the owner of the park would not take responsibility for his mistakes, whereas she figures out how to solve the problem that she might started.
God creates Dinosaurs, God destroys Dinoaurs, God creates Man, Man destroys God, Man creates Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs eat Man, Women inherits the Earth.
All Dinosaurs in the park are genetically female and there is no unautherized breeding in the park walls with the dinosaurs.
Irresponsible use of power
He tried to keep the dinosaurs from doing what they would naturally do.
John had no other tech staff to help recover his park and lost other staff of the park due to it.
He trusts his staff with too much power, he has one brilliant tech staff to control most of the commands in the park.
John relies on the power of the park to keep him and the staff safe.
John hammond's scientist having control over the genetics of the dinosaurs.