Catégories : Tous - education - partnerships - refugees - relief

par Yusra Iqbal - Jean Augustine SS (2612) Il y a 6 années



The organization focuses on aiding Syrian refugees by providing essential education and healthcare services, ensuring they feel comfortable in their new environments. They rely on a network of individual and corporate supporters, as well as partnerships with local communities, governments, and other organizations to deliver their programs.


Education4SyrianRefugees - Helping the children to get the right education and let them feel comfortable in their new home

Malala Youzafi -Yusra Iqbal

Questions for the actor: How did you start your organization? Who has helped you to build this organization ? How did this organization impact you other than the Taliban? If you hadn't start this organization where do you think you would be in life? Who had supported you with your passion to let you work on this issue? If you had another issue to work with what would you choose?
Impacts: Malala is a positive impacts towards our organization because she is one of the people we are inspired from.We can look back at her work that she has created.People would come and check out and help our organization because one of the most hounoured person is already taking action in this issue.
Malals Organization : How her organization helps is by getting children their right for their own education.How her organization and her own self helps our project is by we can relate to her ways of building an organization.How her end goal was ,what her mission was,how she got to her goal,etc.We were focusing on the Syrian refugee children education an their own rights and for them tot feel comfortable. Same thing she focused on was education for kids,their own education rights.
Basic Knowledge: A little information about Malala is the general knowledge we already know about her is how she was shot by the Taliban on her head.She is a brave young woman who is an activate for education rights.

Lifeline Syria- Sana Amin

Who Are They: A syrian refugee created this non-profit organization
Actors: A CEO named Mohammad Al Zaibak is the president and CEO of the syria’s board of governors he also won the Toronto Region Board Of Trade Builder Award Of 2017 and he came from syria with his wife and 3 kids
Action Plan? Their action plan is to make the Syrian refugees feel safe here because of all the things they went through just to come here and the struggle they had in their country their plan of action is to help the Syrian refugees who are still left in Syria and put them in the countries that are helping them out like for example Canada and Turkey.Iraq,Jordan,Lebanon and more.Their plan is to make a program and to facilitate the enrolment of refugee children in recreation programs and these programs are for the Syrian refugees and for their children to get a good education just like us.They are putting this plan in action and in order to do that they need to hold a conference that is 2-3 days login and it takes place in ottawa and the people in the conference will be the stakeholder including provinces and the minister of immigration,sponsors,journalist, and more.
What do they do: They help syrian refugees get resettled in canada they also reunite the refugees in Toronto with their families and friends and they give refugees a chance to restart their life.

What does the organization do? The Lifeline Syria was launched in June of 2015 and it was turned into a non-profit in September of 2015 this organization helps out Syrian refugees settle in Canada,and they help the Syrian refugees come here or resettle as permanent residents in the Syrian refugees in the GTA.They also help them find homes,reunite their family and friend in the greater Toronto area’s,give them an opportunity to restart their life give them a fresh start.

where is the organization: The organisation is in Toronto

The organizations Sponsor: -The ontario government -RESP-Canada Learning Bond -211 Ontario -City Of Toronto Refugee Resettlement Program -HOME-Housing Opportunities And Marketplace Exchange -Government Of Canada -RESP-Canada Learning Bond

why did they start this organization: They started this organization to help out Syrian refugees and to help them restart their lives and a Syrian refugee started the organization himself

when did the organization start: the organisation started in june in 2015


Red Cross Canada - Barathan Srigaran

Who is the Red Cross? The Canadian Red Cross was created in 1896 the main goal of the Red Cross was to help people who are vulnerable and better their lives by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world

The Weather Network Canada

SunLife Canada

Avivia Canada

Microsoft Canada

Walmart Canada

Leaders In the Organization

Conrad Sauve Current CEO

Conrad Suave has been the president and ceo of Red Cross Canada since 2008. A decade of excellence can be stated as his work in the past 10 years has been phenomenal. As Red Cross has made many large scale operations under Sauve like adding field hospitals in nations like Haiti, Parts of Africa, Educador to better healthcare there and save lives from deadly disease which cant be treated there right like malaria.

Questions For Conrad Sauve 1. Why did He choose to run for President of Red Cross? 2.How does He think his 10 years help change the wolrd?

George Ryerson Founder

Founded Red Cross Canada in 1986 as it was the first branch outside the United Kingdom. He was a well- established politician as he was in the conservative party and MP from 1894-1898 he also served in the Canadian military in the year of 1885. He wanted to help with injuries from war, aftermaths of natural disasters and such.

Questions for George Ryerson 1.Why did He create Red Cross? 2.I f he was still alive would he be proud of how far Red. Cross Canada has come

Action Plan: The Action plan of Red Cross Canada is to help the refugees who have already arrived in Canada by offering them chances in the forms of things like camps and sleepovers to help them get introduced to their new surroundings and peers, also to help them forget the horrible chapter of their lives and start a new one in canda

Other than camps and sleepovers Red Cross is providing other essentials to the refugees. Like Food,Water, Shelter, Clothing

End Goal


Health Care

International Relief
Supporters : Our Doners ,


At Relief International, strong partnerships are central to our work. We partner with local communities, governments, foundations, peer organizations and institutional donors to deliver relief and development programs that benefit people in acute distress. With the support of our partners, we can.

Leaders Of The Organizations

Nancy Wilson President and Chief Executive Officer Eric Fullilove Chief Financial Officer Andy Pugh Senior Vice President for International Programs Jamie Hall Senior Vice President of Strategy and Risk; Representative, RI in UK and Europe Ann Koontz Senior Vice President, Technical Assistance

Relief International know that the following individual and corporate supporters who have been into our work through their investment and participation in the Council. President's Council A difference of the group individual and corporate donors providing essential support and expertise

Actors : Chip Levengood Board Chairperson, Relief International Beverly Armstrong Independent Consultant Dan Bader Bader Philanthropies Amanda Barnes Oxford Global Media Eden Collinsworth Collinsworth & Associates Rob Cope Remember a Charity Debra Davis Women in the Informal Economy Globalising.
Action Plan: Their action plan is to support any undeveloped countries and countries who have gotten destroyed such as the Syrian refugees they help them to relief stress from their past and help them move on and settle them down in Canada by helping with their health care,education,protecting them in ever way that is possible.
Where are they located: A registered non-profit in the US, UK, and Belgium.They serve sixteen countries across the Middle East, Africa
What they do : What they do is work to deliver clean water, healthcare, education, protection, post-trauma support, livelihoods , dignity to these displaced people,and etc
About us: This organization help more than 4.6 million refugees. Inside Syria more than 7.6 million people have been forced to leave their homes behind and come to a place where they have to start thier own life all over again . 12.2 million people like doctors, teachers, mothers, fathers, and many, many children are participating in the largest involuntary migration since World War II.This Organization mostly focuses