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Poly es una biblioteca en línea donde las personas pueden explorar, compartir y mezclar activos 3D. Un activo es un modelo o escena 3D creado con Tilt Brush, Blocks
o cualquier programa 3D que produzca un archivo que se pueda cargar en Poly. Muchos activos están autorizados bajo la licencia CC BY
, lo que significa que los desarrolladores pueden usarlos en sus aplicaciones, de forma gratuita, siempre que se le dé crédito al creador. Hay miles de activos disponibles para su uso en
API y herramientas
Poly proporciona las siguientes API y herramientas para desarrolladores:
: una API RESTful que le permite buscar, descargar y (para cuentas incluidas
en la lista blanca
) cargar activos de Poly.
Poly Toolkits : para los desarrolladores de Unity y Unreal, Toolkit for Unity
proporcionan envoltorios simplificados y específicos de la plataforma para la API de Poly. El Toolkit for Unity también incluye una interfaz de usuario para descargar e importar activos de Poly en su proyecto.
para aplicaciones de terceros: estos complementos, disponibles para Blender
, Maya
permiten cargar activos directamente en su cuenta de Poly sin cambiar de aplicación.
La mayoría de los activos de Poly se pueden mezclar y, por lo tanto, se publican bajo licencia CC BY
Usted es libre de copiar, modificar y usar activos remezclables para cualquier propósito, siempre y cuando le dé el crédito apropiado al licenciante.
Para otorgar el crédito adecuado, proporcione un enlace a la licencia e indique si se realizaron cambios. Puede hacerlo de cualquier manera razonable, pero no de ninguna manera que sugiera que el licenciante lo respalda a usted o su uso. Para obtener más información, consulte
Prácticas recomendadas para la atribución
Nota: Si el activo no se puede mezclar, el titular de los derechos de autor se reserva todos los derechos previstos por la ley de derechos de autor.
Ofrecemos guías de inicio rápido y aplicaciones de muestra para plataformas populares:
Home » APIs » Google Poly Google Poly API - SDKs 3D Augmented Reality, Games, Mobile
Getting Started with the Poly API Posted by Bruno Oliveira, Software Engineer
Getting Started with the Poly API Thursday, November 30, 2017 Posted by Bruno Oliveira, Software Engineer
ANDROID DEVELOPMENTJanuary 15, 2019 Poly API: Retrieving 3D assets for your VR and AR Android apps
02 Using Poly ToolKit in Unity 2059 vistas•5 mar. 2019
Poly Plugins
3ds Max 2017 poly-3dsmax2017-plugin.dlu
3ds Max 2018 poly-3dsmax2018-plugin.dlu
3ds Max 2019 poly-3dsmax2019-plugin.dlu
Maya 2017 (macOS) poly-maya2017-plugin.bundle
Maya 2017 (Windows) poly-maya2017-plugin.mll
Maya 2018 (macOS) poly-maya2018-plugin.bundle
Maya 2018 (Windows) poly-maya2018-plugin.mll
Cinema 4D (macOS)
Cinema 4D (Windows)
Description Download
Sample Projects
Poly Samples for Web poly-sample-web master branch
Poly Samples for iOS poly-sample-ios master branch
Poly Samples for Android poly-sample-android master branch
Poly Toolkits
Poly Toolkit for Unreal poly-toolkit-unreal v1.0.1 release
Poly Toolkit for Unity poly-toolkit-unity v1.1.2 release
Description Git Repo Download
Tutorial: Instalar Poly de Google en Unity By Emiliusvgs - Emilio Vegas -Junio 29, 2018
The Unity API Reference documents the namespaces and classes of the Vuforia Unity Extension along with their members.
The Vuforia Unity Extension provides:
Vuforia Engine is the most widely used platform for AR development, with support for leading phones, tablets, and eyewear. Developers can easily add advanced computer vision functionality to Android, iOS, and UWP apps, to create AR experiences that realistically interact with objects and the environment.
The Vuforia Engine Library contains technical documentation to help developers with our SDK and create AR applications. Along the left side, you will see that the Vuforia Engine Library is organized by all of the platforms that Vuforia Engine supports. Vuforia Engine supports both the Unity Engine as well as the three major native platforms: iOS, Android, and UWP.
The Vuforia Engine Library is also organized by major feature categories. The major feature categories are Images, Objects, and Environments.
Lastly, we have links to the Vuforia Engine API documentation which includes C# APIs for Unity, C++ APIs for iOS, and UWP and Java for Android.
If you still have questions, take a look at our
page. Also, feel free to chat with us at our
. Members of the
can reach out to us via the
Innovator Program contact form
Clases Ejemplos
En este repositorio subiré diferentes ejemplos que he colgado en youtube para su mejor entendimiento.
Versión de Unity: 2019.3.0f6 Descripción: Ejemplo de utilización de una REST-API que obtiene información sobre los datos del coronavirus. A través de un mapa mundi se puede acceder a la información de cada país.
Este proyecto hace uso de otros proyectos como son:
En este tutorial voy a mostrar cómo montar y crear un pequeño proyecto a modo de “Hola mundo” en el que a través de nuestra webcam primero y nuestro móvil posteriormente, seremos capaces de mostrar objetos 3D sobre una carta que nuestra
cámara capturará en tiempo real.
¿Pero qué es la AR o RA? No todo le mundo sabe bien lo que significan esas letras, o las confunde con VR. AR o RA vienen de Realidad Aumentada o Augmented Reality y VR de Realidad Virtual. ¿Seguimos sin saber lo que es la realidad aumentada? ¿Y si os nombro Pokemon GO o los no tan conocidos Invizimals de Sony? Ahora un poco
Bueno, la Realidad Virtual, viene a ser el sistema por el cual nos metemos dentro de mundos ficticios generados por ordenador gracias a un casco o gafas cerradas que nos aíslan del exterior. Por contra, su prima la Realidad
Aumentada, lo que hace es llevar la ficción generada por el ordenador a la realidad, usando gafas o cascos abiertos con los que a través de sus cristales o lentes especiales, vemos proyectados gráficos 3D al más puro estilo holográfico sobre los objetos
o superficies reales de nuestro entorno. Esto se consigue gracias a tags o marcas como códigos bidi, imágenes o incluso objetos, pero también es posible sin objetos de target o referencia, como en el caso de las Hololens que mapean
o escanean el entorno y ponen nuestros objetos virtuales en el mundo real combinando el uso de sus cámaras especiales y sus lentes de proyección. Además, podemos interactuar con esos objetos aunque no estén realmente ahí, cogiéndolos o haciendo clic
con un dedo.
Free Earth Planet: el mejor sombreador de planetas en la tienda de activos Rubí digital (Jeff Johnson) GRATIS
Earth & Planets skyboxes Stagit East FREE
Planets Earth, Mars and the Moon Charles Pérois $15
Earth HD 64K Stagit East $15
8K Planet Earth Shader for Unity 3D - Earth Flybys Demo #2 15,887 vistas•2 feb. 2015
16K Planet Earth Shader for Unity 3D - Flybys Demo #3 41,857 vistas•8 jul. 2015
16K Planet Earth for Unity 3D 0.4.6 - Demo 316 vistas•3 may. 2020
Unity3D Planet Earth 64K HD Cities & Countries 3215 vistas•23 jul. 2017
A package is a container that holds any combination of assets, Shaders, Textures, plug-ins, icons, and scripts that enhance various parts of your project, including Unity modules (such as Physics or Animation). Unity packages are newer, more tightly integrated versions of Asset Store packages, able to deliver a wide range of enhancements to Unity.
Use the Unity Package Manager (in Unity’s top menu: Window > Package Manager) to view which packages are available for installation or already installed in your project. In addition, you can use this window to see
, and
, or
packages for each project.
Use the ARCore XR Plugin package to enable ARCore support via Unity's multi-platform XR API. This package implements the following XR Subsystems:
This version of ARCore XR Plugin uses ARCore 1.17 and supports the following functionality:
It doesn't support the following subsystems:
To install this package, follow the instructions in the
In addition, install the AR Foundation package, which uses ARCore XR Plugin and provides many useful scripts and prefabs. For more information about this package, see the
The ARCore XR Plugin implements the native endpoints required for building Handheld AR apps targeting Google’s ARCore platform using Unity's multi-platform XR API. However, this package doesn't expose any public scripting interface of its own. In most cases, you should use the scripts, prefabs, and assets provided by AR Foundation as the basis for your Handheld AR apps.
Including the ARCore XR Plugin also includes source files, static libraries, shader files, and plug-in metadata.
You can flag ARCore XR Plugin as either required or optional.
If ARCore is optional, the Play Store lets users install your app on devices that don't support ARCore, or that support ARCore but don't have it installed. This is useful if you want to provide different alternatives depending on whether AR is available.
AR is required by default.
To create an ARCoreSettings
Asset and assign it to your build settings, open the Project Settings window (from Unity's main menu, go to Edit > Project Settings), then navigate to XR > ARCore, as shown in the screenshot below:
Note: If ARCore is required, the availability check will always report that ARCore is supported, even on unsupported devices. This is because the Play Store prevents the installation of apps that require ARCore on unsupported devices, so these apps always assume they're running on a supported device. However, if you install an Android APK onto an unsupported device via USB (called "side loading") or via Unity, the unsupported device will report that ARCore is supported.
ARCore implements XRSessionSubsystem.GetAvailabilityAsync
. The list of devices ARCore supports is frequently updated to include additional devices. If ARCore isn't already installed on a device, your app needs to check with the Play Store to see if there's a version of ARCore that supports that device. GetAvailabilityAsync
returns a Promise
which can be used in a coroutine. For ARCore, this check may take some time.
If the device is supported, but ARCore is not installed (or requires an update), you need to call XRSessionSubsystem.InstallAsync
, which also returns a Promise
For more information, see the
ARSubsystems session documentation
Raycasts always return a Pose
for the item the raycast hit. When raycasting against feature points, the pose is oriented to provide an estimate for the surface the feature point might represent.
The depth subsystem doesn't require additional resources, so enabling it doesn't affect performance
ARCore's depth subsystem will only ever produce a single
For more information, see the
ARSubsystems depth subsystem documentation
ARCore supports plane subsumption (that is, one plane can be included in another). When this happens, the subsumed plane isn't removed, but won't be updated any further.
ARCore provides boundary points for all its planes.
The ARCore plane subsystem requires additional CPU resources and can be energy-intensive. Enabling both horizontal and vertical plane detection requires additional resources. Consider disabling plane detection when your app doesn't need it to save energy.
Setting the plane detection mode to PlaneDetectionMode.None
is equivalent to Stop
ping subsystem.
For more information, see the
ARSubsystems plane subsystem documentation
To use image tracking on ARCore, you must first create a reference image library. To learn how to do this, see the
AR Subsystems documentation on image tracking
When building the Player for Android, each reference image library is used to generate a corresponding imgdb
file, which is how ARCore represents reference image libraries. These files are placed in your project's StreamingAssets
folder, in a subdirectory called HiddenARCore
, so they can be accessed at runtime.
ARCore's AR reference images can be either JPEG or PNG files. If a different type of source texture is specified in the XRReferenceImageLibrary
, the ARCore build processor will attempt to convert the texture to a PNG for ARCore to use. Exporting a Texture2D
to PNG can fail for several reasons. For example - the texture must be marked both readable and uncompressed in the texture importer settings. If you plan to use the texture at runtime (and not just as a source Asset for the reference image), you should create a separate PNG or JPEG as the source Asset, because those texture import settings can negatively affect performance or memory at runtime.
Image dimensions are optional on ARCore; however, specifying them can improve image detection. If you specify the dimensions for a reference image, ARCore only receives the image's width, and then computes the height from the image's aspect ratio.
For information about face tracking, see the
In addition to the core functionality, the ARCore face subsystem has methods that allow access to ARCore-specific features. ARCore provides access to regions, which are specific features on a face. Currently, these features are:
Each region has a Pose
associated with it. To access face regions, you need to obtain an instance of the ARCoreFaceSubsystem
XRFaceSubsystem faceSubsystem = ... #if UNITY_ANDROID var arcoreFaceSubsystem = faceSubsystem as ARCoreFaceSubsystem; if (arcoreFaceSubsystem != null) { var regionData = new NativeArray<ARCoreFaceRegionData>(0, Allocator.Temp); arcoreFaceSubsystem.GetRegionPoses(faceId, Allocator.Temp, ref regionData); using (regionData) { foreach (var data in regionData) { Debug.LogFormat("Region {0} is at {1}", data.region, data.pose); } } } #endif
ARCore light estimation has two modes of operation: LightEstimationMode.AmbientIntensity
and LightEstimationMode.EnvironmentalHDR
. LightEstimationMode.AmbientIntensity
providers color correction and average pixel intensity information, while LightEstimationMode.EnvironmentalHDR
provides an estimated Main Light Direction, HDR Color, and the ambient SphericalHarmonicsL2 (see
for more information on Spherical Harmonics). The two modes can't be used simultaneously.
Additionally, the light estimation modes are either used or affected by other subsystems, namely the
and the
. If one or both of these subsystems is present and enabled
, the light estimation mode will have its behaviour modified depending on the configuration.
FunctionalitySupported light estimation modesModifiableFace trackingLightEstimationMode.AmbientIntensity
, LightEstimationMode.Disabled
YesEnvironment probesLightEstimationMode.EnvironmentalHDR
while face tracking and rendering won't work if that mode is specified. To prevent this, the providers only allow LightEstimationMode.AmbientIntensity
or LightEstimationMode.Disabled
modes to be set while tracking faces or it will enforce LightEstimationMode.Disabled
to surface and update the cubemap, and therefore take ownership of the setting. contains an IntPtr
field nativeConfigurationHandle
, which is a platform-specific handle. For ARCore, this handle is the pointer to the ArCameraConfiguration
. The native object is managed by Unity and should not be manually destroyed.
This version of ARCore XR Plugin is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor:
This version of ARCore XR Plugin includes:
Environment probes
Image tracking
Face tracking
Unity User Manual (2019.4 LTS)/XR/Getting started with AR development in Unity Getting started with AR development in Unity
Unity User Manual (2019.4 LTS)/XR/XR Plug-in Framework XR Plug-in Framework
2019.4 verified
Vuforia Engine is the most widely used platform for AR development, with support for leading phones, tablets, and eyewear. Developers can easily add advanced computer vision functionality to Android, iOS, and UWP apps, to create AR experiences that realistically interact with objects and the environment.
Package version 8.1.12 is verified to work with 2019.4.
These package versions are compatible with Unity version 2019.4:
Documentation location:Versions available:com.ptc.vuforia.engine@8.5
Vuforia Engine AR
Vuforia removed in Unity 2019.3
Vuforia removed in Unity 2019.3
Universal Windows Platform Player Settings
Vuforia removed in Unity 2019.3NewIn20193
Vuforia Engine AR: [com.ptc.vuforia.engine][] 2019.4 verified
ar [Vuforia Engine AR][] [ARCore XR Plugin][] [AR Foundation][] [ARKit XR Plugin][] [Google VR Android][] [Google VR iOS][] ...
Note:** (1) The Vuforia Engine built-in package (Vuforia Engine AR) will no longer be natively distributed and directly support...
System requirements for Unity 2019.4
For Google Daydream/Cardboard, OpenVR, and Vuforia support options in Unity 2019.3+, see the XR plugin architecture page.