Luokat: Kaikki - security - law - etiquette - rights

jonka Julia Trinh 4 vuotta sitten


Nine Elements of Digital Citizen

The digital landscape requires users to adhere to certain standards and practices to ensure a safe and respectful environment. Recognizing and practicing digital etiquette is crucial in maintaining respectful interactions online.

Nine Elements of Digital Citizen

Nine Elements of Digital Citizen

6: Digital Law - Electronic Responsibilities Actions

There are laws regarding unethical use of of the internet. For example, there are consequences for stealing, damaging, hacking other's work or identities. We must be of the legal consequences when we do not use the internet in a ethical way.

7: Digital Rights and Responsibilities - Freedoms Applied to Everyone in the Digital World

Every digital citizen has to abide by a basic set of rules. We have the right to privacy for example. With these rights come with responsibilities and these should guidelines for how we use technology safely.

8: Digital Health and Wellness - Physical and Mental Well-Being in the Digital World

With the internet there can be physical or psychological effects from either proper or improper use. We need to be able to recognize these effects and be able to step away and do what is best for us.

9: Digital Security - Electronic Precautions to Guarantee Safety

On the internet, there are people who can hack, steal or hurt other people. We take precautions for our safety in real life and we must apply it to our digital lives as digitally these attacks can be just as harmful

5: Digital Etiquette - Electronic Standards of Conduct

As we use technology, we must be able to recognize disrespectful behavior. Rules and policies help teach us to be respectful to everyone online.

4: Digital Literacy - Process of Learning, Teaching and Using Technology

With the advanced of technology, it can expand to different places in our life like in the work place or at school. We must be able to learn and adapt with these changes.

3: Digital Communication - Electronic Exchange of Infomation

As technology as evolved, so has our forms of communication. With these forms of communication comes with different responsibilities. We must use technology in safe and respectful ways especially when we talk to others.

2: Digital Commerce - Electronic Buying or Selling of Goods

Much of the market economy comes from the buying or selling of goods done online. As digital citizens, we must be aware of the legal or illegal associations can come with it. Therefore, we have to be smart and safe with any purchases we make online.

1: Digital Access - Full Participation in Society

As technology and the use of the internet expands, we must be aware that not everyone has equal opportunities of access to these services. As digital citizens, it must be our goal to help provide services for others who may have limited accessibility.