Luokat: Kaikki - listening - memory - difficulties - strategies

jonka Cristina de la O 6 vuotta sitten


Listening and L2

Enhancing listening skills in a second language involves using meaning-oriented tasks and focusing on specific goals to improve language comprehension. This includes understanding individual linguistic units such as phonemes, words, grammatical structures, and leveraging background knowledge.

Listening and L2

Listening and L2

My background

I need to provide more comprehensible imput, teach strategies to improve the listening skills.

Assisting listening skills

Using meaning-oriented tasks.
Focus on specific goals.
Focus on meaning and finding new important content in the L2.

Topic principal

Listening difficulties

Inability to link words in context

unskillful in using strategies to summarize heard information at the macro-level and micro-level.

Lacking exposure

Different accents, colloquial vocabulary.

Inability to skim information

redundancy, noise, and the inability to guess

Problems of sounds

pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress

meaning in context, connected speech, language rythm.

Schema theory

Top-down processing.
Brain tries to find existing knowledge and assimilate new data.
Bottom-up processing
Movement of data from page to brain.

Listening process

Third stage
Listener is able to construct meaning, information can be transferred to the long-term memory.
Second stage
Sounds are processed by the short-term memory, meaning is extracted.
First stage
Sounds go to the echoic memory.

Language comprehension

Cognitive skills
Linguistic skills
Individual linguistic units
Phonemes, words, gramatical structures, background knowledge.