Luokat: Kaikki - art - music - emotions - romanticism

jonka Claudia Durocher 16 vuotta sitten


Expressions From Within

The text explores the influence of Expressionism and Romanticism on modern music, highlighting how these artistic movements have shaped contemporary creative expressions. Expressionism, which thrived between 1905 and 1933, is discussed through the lens of key figures like Friedrich Nietzsche and Paul Klee.

Expressions From Within

Expressions From Within

The Industrial Revolution, The Machine Age & The French Revolution

NOT representing EXTERNAL, objective world, instead seeks to present an INNER SUBJECTIVE WORLD.
Charles Beaudalaire once said: “[Romanticism] is neither a choice of subject nor exact truth, but a mode of feeling--something found within rather than outside the individual.” Works of art are ultimately consequences of emotions and of the inner spirit of the artist.
“I have resolved on an enterprise which has no precedent, and which, once complete, will have no imitator. My purpose is to display to my kind a portrait in every way true to nature, and the man I shall portray is myself.” - Rousseau, Confessions (1776-1770).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau posited that emotion is the guide to reason, because emotions are the "inner experience" of self.
Human reason and the individual become more valued than ever before.

Expressionism & Romanticism in Modern Music

The Cure - Pictures of You: "Pictures are all that’s left."
The Stills - Love & Death: "Logic will break your heart."
The Dears - You And I Are A Gang Of Losers: "We’ve got the same heart."

Romanticism (1770-1850)

“The heart is the source of all things.” - Goethe
Goethe tells the story of Werther, and it is filled with: aggravated introspection, exaltation of desires, maniacal solipsism, and unrequited love.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe pens the Bible of young Romantics, The Suffering of Young Werther, in 1774.
People truly begin to discuss and address their emotions.

The Blurred Lines Between Romanticism & Expressionism

“What today we frequently call Expressionism, would yesterday have been called Romanticism.”
“The great merit of Romanticism is that it laid the foundation stone for that art of the future is the art of emotion.” - Rene Schickele
“...The spiritual movement of a time that places inner experience above external life.” - Lothar Schreyer.
Romanticism is the true heir to Romantic expressive theory; romanticism’s goal is fulfilled in expressionist literature and art.

Romanticism & Its Influence on Expressionism

Goethe was guided by strength of INNER PERCEPTION, rather than KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL.
Goethe’s The Sufferings of Young Werther brings to the forefront human emotion & the disposition of the INDIVIDUAL.
“Convulsion in the European spirit.” & “a shift in consciousness [which] cracked the backbone of European thought.” - Sir Isaiah Berlin.
“The idea of the creative imagination, as it sprang up in the Romantic era, is still central to modern culture.” - Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self (1989).
“One of the most decisive turning points in the history of the European mind.”

Expressionism (1905~1933)

Nietzsche was the earthquake of the epoch for my generation.” - Gottfried Benn (1886-1956) Expressionist.
The Will to Power & Thus Spoke Zarathustra gave prominence to artist’s emotions; “wild existential anger.
According to Nietzsche, the meaning of life is to be found in purely human terms.
Friedrich Wilhem Nietzsche (1844-1900), wrote about nihilism, art, morality, religion, theory of knowledg.e
“Art is no longer used to reproduce that which is visible, but rather to make things visible.” - Paul Klee (1817-1940).
It is less a “style,” but more of a “direction” or “tendency;” it is a manifestation of a young generation’s feeling for life.
“Expressionism is not an impression from outside, but an expression from inside.” - Herwarth Walden (1917.)
presents world as it is subjectively seized.
Revoltt against realism, naturalism, impressionism.
Transforms reality, not imitates it.
Expressionsist art is distorted for the sake of conveying inner vision.

MPC 201 (011)Concepts & TheoriesMind Map Take-Home ExamDecember 5, 2008Claudia Durocher, Andrew Moir, Sarah Patterson, Nicole Shabada & Katie Uchimaru