Luokat: Kaikki - intensity - muscle - alignment - frequency

jonka Nicolas Calle 1 vuosi sitten


Exercises against resistance

Resistance exercises are designed to enhance muscle performance, improve connective tissue strength, and reduce joint stress during physical activities. Various factors influence the effectiveness of these exercises, including the frequency of sessions, the intensity and volume of workouts, and the integration of rest intervals.

Exercises against resistance

These generate better muscle performance, greater resistance of connective tissues, less joint stress during physical activity.

Determinants of anti-resistance exercises

Alignment and gravity

It underscores important for the realization of some exercises, such as the use of dumbbells and bars.

Muscle alignment and action

It is determined by the direction of the muscle fibers and the line of traction that follows the muscle movement.

Almost maximum or maximum loads

It is used to increase muscle strength and power.

Submaximal exercise load

Beginning of a training program, to improve muscle performance and when warming up or cooling the muscles.

Order of exercises
You should start with the training of the largest muscles and then move on to the smallest and first by the multi articular and then the uniarticular.
Number of training sessions per day or week, the greater the intensity and volume of the exercise will be required, the longer the recovery time.
It is defined according to the cause of muscle involvement
Rest intervals
Purpose of the rest interval integration of rest in the training program

Types of resistance exercise

This will depend on the cause and severity of the primary and secondary condition, the compromise of muscle function and tissue healing stage must be taken into account.

Against manual resistance

The physiotherapist himself applies resistance, this technique is useful in the early stages of the training program.

Against mechanical resistance

A specially designed appliance or device is used to apply resistance.

Isometric exercise

Multi-angle isometric exercises

Set of exercises in which resistance is applied, either manually or mechanically to different joint positions, improvement in strength throughout the joint amplitude.

Stabilization exercises

It is used in order to achieve a submaximal contraction and maintained over time, improves the postural or dynamic stability of the joint.

Static exercises

They are used to reduce muscle pain and spasm and to promote relaxation and circulation during the acute stage of soft tissue healing.

Dynamic exercise - concentric and eccentric

Key elements of muscle performance

Power training

- Strength is indispensable to obtain power. -Demand of the muscle, so that it makes a greater effort in the same period of time. -The higher the intensity of the exercise and the shorter the time to generate the force, the greater the power.

It is the rate at which the muscle contracts and produces a resulting force and the relationship between strength and speed, are factors that affect muscle power.

Power Anaerobic

The body's ability to use ATP during short-duration, high-intensity physical activities.

Power Aerobics

Ability of the body to maintain sustained activities with a little effort, little fatigue, and with a quick recovery.

Strength Functional

The ability of the neuromuscular system to produce or control forces, voluntary or imposed.

Strength brawn

It is the maximum measurable force that a muscle or muscle group can produce to overcome a resistance in a maximum effort group.

Strength training

-Fundamental component in rehabilitation -Systematic activity of a muscle or muscle group

Resistance training

Key elements: Low intensity muscle contraction, increased repetitions and period of time. - The muscles adapt to resistance training by increasing their oxidative and metabolic capacity.

Ability to perform repetitive or constant low-intensity activities for an extended period of time

Resistance brawn

Resistance Cardiorespiratory

Fundamentals and principles of overload

Training transferance
Training specificity
It indicates the adaptive effects of training, such as increased strength, power and muscular endurance.
Principle of reversality
Fundamentals of the specific adaptation to the exposed requirements (SAD).
This principle helps physical therapists establish the most appropriate type of exercise for each patient.

Exercises against resistance

What is it?