Chemical Engineering
Innovative use of solubility in reaction systems can improve the conversion of machines
The higher the solubility, the more expensive the product
Improves mixing and results in a sustainable and non variable way for their products
Improves their products
Makes sure the reactivity doesn't make it unsafe
Work with chemists to create the best machines
This happens by making them...
Cost effective
Create cost effective chemical processes
Focuses on enhancing their knowledge on
Mass flow
Design and create useful machines for different fields
Give fundamental concepts on destruction of chemical products
Chemical engineering is the analysis and design of chemical products
Chemical engineers use...
People who are processing food along side of a machine would need to know many important things
Thickening agents
Helps maintain the quality and sustainability
Makes some foods look more appealing
Adds texture
Adds colour
Adds flavour
Some chemicals can prolong shelf life
You wouldn't want to poison anyone
The knowledge of different substances is useful
Different chemicals are used for different things
Design chemical reactions from an industrial scale
Chemical engineers are responsible for multiple things relating to space
Designing equipment that can be used in space
For improvements
For explorations
Fluid flow
Mass transfers
Heat transfers
Chemical reactions
Trying to create a safer, cleaner planet
Having a cleaner planet would positively impact our solar system
Creates some pollution but is trying to make a difference
Use their power to eliminate pollution
Chemical engineering helps make a more sustainable ecosystem
Improved recycling
Found methods to recycle aluminium with chemical products
Highly difficult to process in relation to stainless steel
They work on finding effective ways to recycle paper, plastics and more
Reducing and alleviating the demand for additional raw materials
Improving air quality
Created strategies to neutralize pollution in the air before it gets released into the environment
Reducing harmful airborne emissions
Nitrogen oxide (NOx)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Produce air filters
They help clean the environment
Climate change and air quality go hand in hand
Clean water ressources
Developed cost-effective methods
Found ways to remove harmful polluants
Makes water more sustainable and safely reusable
Chemical engineers have come up with innovative ways of treatment
They are very important to our community
Work to same the environment from things such as...
Greenhouse gas effects
Lead pollution
Acid rain
Help those who live in poverty
Try to help cure diseases
Help put an end to starvation
They improve people's quality of lives all over the world
They identify and design economical solutions for environmental problems
They solve many problems
Use of drugs
Fuel issues
The production of chemicals
They try to eliminate as much waste as possible to create a safely and healthier planet
Food production creates greenhouse gas emissions
The sun's energy is reflected back into the atmosphere
Disruption in food supply
Affects our health negatively
Causes severe weather extremes
Very cold winters
Very hot summers
Continuous warming of the planet and oceans
Causes the sun's heat to get trapped in the atmosphere
Not purposely
Agriculture + Ecology
Food production uses man made machines
Causes pollution