Luokat: Kaikki - eukaryotes - membrane - prokaryotes - fats

jonka Stephanie Sustaita 1 vuosi sitten


Cellular Structure and Functions

Autotrophs are capable of synthesizing organic compounds from inorganic materials, vital for energy and growth. The plasma membrane, a lipid bilayer, has hydrophobic tails inward and hydrophilic heads outward, essential for cellular function.

Cellular Structure and Functions

Topic flotante

Prokaryotes have a cell wall for extra protection, which is especially important for them since their DNA is not in a nucleus for protection.

All of their genetic material is organized into chromosomes

The Four kinds of Eukarya

Autotrophs are organisms that can make nutritional organic substances from inorganic molecules

There are two different types of prokaryotes, bacteria and archaea and they have a lot of similarities and differences. the main being that bacteria has a presence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall

Extremophiles are prokaryotes that can survive in extreme environments, there are a couple different types of extremophiles, depending on what that cell thrives in, but they are always extreme.

Fimbriae and pili are the prokaryotic sex parts of the cell, they connect to another cell and have prokaryotic sex, leading to the creation of more cells.

The flagella of a prokaryote is basically a tail that helps it move around, it is very useful for movement of the entire bacteria

A plasma membrane is basically a lipid bilayer where two rows of lipids come together where the hydrophobic tails are inside with each other and the hydrophilic heads are outside facing the cytoplasm and polar outside.

The DNA for prokaryotes is stored in a nucleoid instead of a nucleus. It is not as protected since there no nucleus. Which goes in part with how prokaryotes were the first cell to exist, eukaryotes were an evolution where it learned to protect its chromosomes and DNA

Obligatory means that the bacteria needs something to survive, if it is a facultative then it can survive with or without a certain thing. Anaerobe means that it has to do with oxygens, either needing it or not.

These are different inorganic molecules to show as examples


Phospholipids form closed bilayers in water


Phospholipids: made up of a glycerol linked to 2 fatty acids (not 3) - It contains a phosphate group on the head - The phosphate group is polar

Phospholipid Tail

Hates water : (

Phospholipid Head

Hearts water <3


Steroids are very different from fats in the way that they contain 4 fused rings

High density lipoprotein or "good cholesterol"
Found in animal and a common components of membranes
Low density lipoprotein or "bad cholesterol"
Also a precursor of other steroids including sex hormones


Fats: made up of a glycerol + 3 fatty acids -Main function: energy storage -Ester linkages are what connect each fatty acid to an OH in glycerol

Fatty Acids

Unsaturated fats come from plant sources and are liquid at room temperature. These fats have one or more double covalent bonds that are found within the carbon chain. These molecules do NOT have hydrogen atoms at every position along the carbon chain.

Monounsaturated Fats: one double bond

Polyunsaturated Fats: more than one double bond

Unsaturated Fatty Acids Isomers

Trans Isomers ( opposite side) AKA Transfats: the presence of a double bond with hydrogens on opposite sides.

Cis Isomers (same side): the presence of a double bond in cis causes the molecule to have a kink compared to the trans fatty acid.


Saturated fats are solid at room temperature. There are no double covalent bonds between carbons because these molecules are saturated with hydrogen atoms at every position. They are also associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease.

Flagella helps with movement by...

Water (H2O)

Water is made from a covalent bond of 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen. Oxygen is much more electronegative than hydrogen, thus creating a strong dipole.

This means that water can hydrogen bond and is one of the most polar molecules. This means that water has a ton of awesome properties.
Hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions

Water-loving molecules exclude hydrophobic molecules such as lipids, which means that hydrophobic molecules stick together when in an aqueous environment. Amphiphilic molecules take advantage of the environment to surround hydrophobic molecules yet still flow with the surrounding water.


Water is extremely vital when it comes to forming and breaking ester bonds. These are seen in Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, DNA, and basically everything.

Strong intermolecular bonds

Water has strong intermolecular bonds as a result of bring so polar. This allows for a high heat of vaporization and high specific heat. In turn, this helps to regulate temperatures so biology can exist the way it does.

Universal Solvent

Water is the universal solvent because of its strong polarity and its relatively low molecular weight. Liquid water is everywhere.

Cellular Structure and Functions

Serve as fuel and building material

Chemical Bonds

Intermolecular Bonds
Polar molecules

Ion-dipole (4)

The strongest type of intermolecular bond. Seen commonly in dissolved solutions, such as salt water. Thus, salt water is more difficult to freeze and boil. This bond is between a fully charged ion and a partially charged side of a molecule. For instance, the negative Cl ion with the positive H´s in salt water.

Seen in the tiertiary structure of protiens.

Dipole-dipole (2)

Covalently bonded molecules that are polar have a dipole movement. The partially negative side of one molecule will bond with the partially positive side of another molecule. Stronger than london dispersion, but weaker than Ion-dipole.

Hydrogen bond (3)

A type of dipole-dipole where a hydrogen is covalently bonded to a N, O, or F. This hydrogen is then intermolecularly bonded to any polar N, O, or F element of another molecule

Hydrogen bonds are incredibly important. They hold together proteins, DNA, enable water to be water, create functional groups, and regulate temperatures. They are a stronger form of dipole-dipole

London Dispersion (1)

Every molecule has a set number of electrons. These electrons move randomly in an electron cloud. An instantaneous dipole movement occurs when electrons gather on one side of the molecule or atom. These instant dipole movements allow for instantaneous bonds. This bond is ALWAYS present but is the weakest out of the bonds listed. Most prominent between nonpolar molecules. Increases with surface area and amount of electrons in a molecule.


Between two fully charged ions. Giving and receiving electrons. Stronger as the charges are full.


Between two atoms. Electrons are shared bwteen atoms. Atoms with a higher electronegativity will pull electrons more therefore creating a polar molecule. When a molecule shares electrons equally, it is known as a nonpolar molecule.

Covalent bonds are seen in biology as glycosidic, peptide, ester, phosphodiester, disulfide bridge bonds.


They were the first cell ever created, where we started to get everything from
cell junction

gap junction


tight junction

endomembrane system
Animal Cell


site of protein synthesis

golgi apparatus

synthesis, modification, sorting, secretion


intermembrane space, outer membrane, inner membrane

cellular respiration and ATP


metabolic function


storage disorder

inherited metabolic disorder and buildup of toxic materials in cells


fuses with vesicle containing damaged organelles, which hydrolytic enzymes digest


contains active hydrolytic enzymes, which digest food particles

digestive organelle


increase cell surface area



organelle movements

chromosome movements in cell division

cell motility

maintenance of chell shape

intermediate filaments

anchorage of nucleus + other organelles

formation of nuclear lamina


cytoplasmic streaming

changes in cell shape

cellular contraction


where microtubules are initiated

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Smooth ER

doesn't contain ribosomes

Rough ER

contains ribosomes

Plant Cell

cell wall

maintains cell's shapes and protects cell from damage


cytoplasmic channelsd that connect cytoplasms


photosynthesis, converts sunlight into chemical energy


central vacuole

repository for inorganic ions

contractile vacuole

pump excess water out

food vacuole

when cells engulf food

storage, breakdown waste, hydrolysis



a childhood disorder caused by point mutation. cells could die prematurely

nuclear membrane





nonmembranous structure producing ribosomes

nuclear envelope

double membrane enclosing nucleus

Four different kinds of Prokaryotes

Facultative Anaerobes

Can survive without O2 by fermentation

Can survive with O2

Obligate Anaerobes

Energy source is fermentation

The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms. They get their energy by breaking down something else, which in this case is oxygen gas. It needs to break down oxygen gas to feed itself, that's the only way it knows how to survive or CAN survive.

Cannot survive with O2, needs to not have it, O2 is toxic to it.

Obligate Aerobes

NEEDS O2 to survive



Needs organic compounds to survive


Needs light to survive


Helps the cell to survive harsh environments and can live in the cell for years



Needs inorganic molecules to survive

Makes organic compounds out of inorganic molecules


Stanley-Millers Hypothesis/experiment

Based on the hypothesis that early life elements were being spouted from underwater volcanoes

The elements then became chemical compounds through chemical evolution

The compounds were put into a boiling water chamber to express the hot waters due to the volcanoes in early earth.

The that vapor was put into another chamber with electricity in it, symbolizing naturally occurring electricity through lightning

Organic compounds were the result of the experiment





Needs LIGHT to survive

They are both energy sources for an autotroph, just in different ways depending on what the environment is


Synthesis of protein


Resistance to antibiotics

Polysaccharide layer that lies outside of the cell envelope


3 main domains of life






Does have a nucleus where the DNA are protected, in comparison to Bacteria and Archaea, where neither of them have a nucleus



They are strict obligate anaerobes

Have developed themselves to be able to survive in methane (usually in swamps)



Can survive in extreme temperatures


Can survive in highly salty environments

Presence of branched lipids in membrane


Does not have membrane enclosed organelles

Presence of peptidoglycan in cell wall

Presence of a cell wall

Cell wall

No branching in the lipids in membrane


Prokaryotic sex

Interact with other bacterial cells and are able to move strain of things around

Chromosome (DNA)


Cell Membrane

Plasma membrane

Lipids bilayer that surrounds the cytoplasm

Lipids have ester bonds that are created and join things together by dehydration reactions

No internal membrane bound organelles, whivh is what differs the most boldly of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, along with the absence of a nucleus



Cell Wall

Uniquely had peptidoglycon

No nucleus

Lack membrane bound organelles, which are Rough ER, Golgi Apparatus, etc.


Serve as fuel and building material
Sugars + Polymers of Sugars



Formed when a dehydration reaction joins two monosaccharides

Made up of C, H, OH and CO groups


When CO group is in the middle of the chain there are called


When the CO group is at the end of the chain the sugars

Simplest Sugars

In aqueous solutions they form rings


Alpha Glucose

Digestable bc OH group is at the bottom

Beta Glucose

Undigestible because the OH group is at the top of the ring


Storage Polysaccharides




No Branching

Differ in structure


Some branching


Structure Polysaccharides


Made up of Beta glucose

Parallel chains held together through hydrogen bonds and form microfibrils.


DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder, a shape known as a double helix.


DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce.

DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to produce proteins

DNA cannot function without protein and vise Versa

transmit signals to coordinate biological processes between different cells, tissues, and organs

assist with the formation of new molecules by reading the genetic information stored in DNA.

proteins provide structure and support for cells.


DNA also contribute to the pathogenesis of autoinflammatory diseases and cancer.


chromosomes are made up of thousands of shorter segments of DNA, called genes.

These instructions are stored inside each of your cells, distributed among 46 long structures called chromosomes.

DNA holds genetic information that determines an organisms traits


dependent on the sugar phosphate backbone and the bases.



forms the structural framework of nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA.

Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T).



Sugar Phosphate Backbone

joins together nucleotides in a DNA sequence

Each Sugar attaches to a base

part of DNA that stores information

each base contains nitrogen

Each base is held together through hydrogen bonds


The sequence of amino acids linked together to form a polypeptide chain. Each amino acid is linked to the next amino acid through peptide bonds created during the protein biosynthesis process.

The primary structure of protein forms an amino acid chain.

The amino acids are stabilized by Hydrogen bonds


cell shape and inner organization

akin to a skeleton, and they compose structural elements in connective tissues like cartilage and bone in vertebrates

Ribosomes are responsible for synthesizing proteins and rna

product manufacture and waste cleanup

breaks down proteins, the building blocks and mini-machines that make up many cell parts.

receive signals from outside the cell and mobilize intracellular response

Signals most often move through the cell by passing from protein to protein, each protein modifying the next in some way

signaling pathway

These hydrogen bonds create alpha helix and beta pleated sheets for the secondary structure

amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds, thereby forming a long chain

Hydrogen bonds between sections of the protein chain are responsible for the secondary structure of the protein

The tertiary structure of a protein refers to the overall three-dimensional arrangement of its polypeptide chain in space.

Three dimensional arrangement of its polypeptide chain

The quaternary structure of a protein is the association of several protein chains or subunits into a closely packed arrangement.

the association of several protein chains or subunits into a closely packed arrangement