Luokat: Kaikki - unity - hockey - defense - inspiration

jonka Harrissan Shanthinikethan - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 5 vuotta sitten



In the early Cold War era, the United States initiated a defensive air shield project, necessitating Canadian collaboration for economic reasons. This partnership not only fortified the relationship between the two nations but also influenced future aerospace advancements, including potential contributions to space exploration.



The Quiet Revolution

Connect: - the Quiet Revolution took place in Quebec Canada's largest province - the Quebec liberal party also got involved
Signify: - in involved Daniel Johnson leader of the union rationale - it brought a new middle Class into the world
Identify: -the quiet revolution was a time of rapid change experienced in Quebec during the 1960 - Under Jean Lorage the Quebec Liberal Party had developed a coherent and wide-ranging reform platform

Avro Arrow

Connect: - it was part of the Canadian's aviation -John Baker was 13th prime minster of Canada
Signify: -The Arrow inswipred new better future models of fighter (due to never being launched - it helped john Diefen baker become Prime Minster
Identify: - Demanding an aircraft that would fly faster higher and farther also carry the most advanced missile system the RCAF Dreamed of a Plane that was not even on the drawing boards of any nation in the world at the time -The first arrow took only 28 moths from the first drawings until on October 1957

Summit Series

Connect: - it was based off of Canadian hockey team - Canada once had the best hockey team
Signify: - It involve one of Canada's national sports - Canada had the best Hockey players in the World
Identify: - the summit series between national hockey teams from Canada and the USSR was the first time that Canadian Professional hockey Player faced the soviet union's national team - While Canadians took great pride in having the best hockey players in the World the USSR had Since the WWII been Developing an Elite hockey team

Canadian Constitution

Connect: -This involved one of Canada's former Prime Minsters -this created the charter of rights and freedom
Signify: -This was in the Days of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Father of Justin Trudeau -It Provided Protection for the People of Canada
Identify: The second Key piece is the constitution act of 1982 which is dominated by a long section called the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. - in the early 1980s the government of Prime minster Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000) made it a priority to "bring home" or patiate the BNA act

Space Race

Connect: - It inspired other countries (including Canada) to pursue space exploration - the U.S needed funding for the Canadian government to further their plan
Signify: - it furthered plans of space exploration -it created tension between the U.S and Russia
Identify: -After WWII came to an end near the beginning of the 21st century the Cold War to prove between the U.S and Soviet Union whose Tech, Military might and (by Extension) it's political-economic system was superior - Space exploration served as one more dramatic stage for the cold war on October a soviet R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile launched Sputnik


Connect: -It strength the bond between the Canadians and the Americans -It gave Canada insipiration for their own jets
Signife: -it inspired many more future plane and jet design for the future -it also might have played a role in the space shuttle that sent Apllo Nyle Armstrong to the moon
Identify: -with the Beginning of the cold war the americans began to develop a defencive jet air shield -the americans needed the cooperation of their neighbor canada to further complete their project (for Economy perposes)

The Warsaw Pact

Connect: - Canada was now even more at risk for an attack with two unions of countries and states - Canada Ailles in the Warsaw Pact might ask for assitence
Signife: -The Warsaw Pact was formed after NATO for fear incase of an attack -the Warsaw Pact it all so has the risk of a 3rd world war due to the fear of an outside country or state
Identify: -After NATO was formed another Union between Warsaw, Soviet union, Albania, Poland, Romaia, Hungary, East Germany, Czecholovakia and Bulgaria as it Members was formed as counter force -the Treaty called the members states to the rescue incase one other member was attacked by an outside force


Connect: -It kept some countries from launching any attacks on any ailles of the other countries including Canada -it might have inspired/force canada to join a union as well for fear of an attack
Signife: -it began a new age of peace and unity between multiple countries which might might have inspired by the United Nations formed in 1942 - It Taught the countries how to cooperate with each other
Identify: -IT is an agreement between the United States, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom that bound that if one of these contries were to be attack the others would come to protect it. -It Also help them orginzed their defence and attack plans.