Kategoriak: All - wwii - germany - control - freedoms

arabera Jeff Schwan 2 years ago


WWII until Today

The timeline traces significant events involving Germany, the USSR, and Russia from World War II to the contemporary era. Germany's invasion of Poland marked the beginning of WWII, during which the USSR initially had a non-aggression pact with Germany.

WWII until Today

WWII until Today

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Putin roll back freedoms in Russia


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Glasnost and Peristroka open up many freedoms

USSR Controls Eastern Europe

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USSR keeps control with brutal actions
Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Czechia are controlled from Moscow

Germany attacks USSR

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USSR, USA and the Commonwealth defeated Germany
USSR fought on the side of the Allies

Germany attacks Poland

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Date and place of birth
Stalin was in charge
USSR had secret pact with Germany to not attack each other