Kategoriak: All - literacy - inequality - incentives - education

arabera Alejandro Guerrero-Matthias 2 years ago


Step 4 : Taking Notes (part 1)

Efforts to improve education and literacy are multifaceted. Key strategies include promoting literacy through various mediums, such as television shows and internet resources, which provide accessible learning opportunities for children and adults alike.

Step 4 : Taking Notes (part 1)




Another major form of discrimination was in the United States from 1500-1970s
One of these ways was the Adana massacre which was a religiously motivated massacre by the Turk Government in 1909.
Discrimination is still an active issue in the world
The Declaration of Human Rights also states that education is a human right
People in underdeveloped/underprivileged areas tend to have less access to education
In 1948 the Declaration of Human Rights was signed
People in underdeveloped/underprivileged areas also tend to go to schools with less ambitious students and unlicensed teachers
Education is also a basic human right to help achieve gender equality and equality in general
Segregation, a form of discrimination, can make it harder for one to attend school and learn
Over the years many forms of discrimination have happened in many ways
Education is a human right mainly because people need to make money to survive


What's being done

Uneducated people tend to be illiterate
There are many reasons people are illiterate/uneducated
1. was is that people simply dont have enough money to get to school
These television shows could be harmful if a child were to become to addicted
Having these television shows encourages kids to tune in everyday and learn something new
Encouraging the use of the use of the internet is also very helpful
One of the best things about the internet is that there is so much information if its for a little kid to play informational games on PBSkids or for someone to look up some information using wikipedia everyone with access to the internet and an electronic device can use it.

Also if you dont have an electronic device at home many libraries do have them and they are free to use

Another thing being done is "embedding skill training in education

Similar to promoting literacy teaching these skill may also encourage parents to send their children to school

Offering rewards for learning such as scholarships or jobs for older children and perhaps toys for smaller children encourages children to want to be taught and attend school

Gender Inequality makes it hard for some women to be able to attend school.
Having informational television shows/radio stations such as sesame street
Many places also lack adequate teaching staff
Also many people need to work rather than going to school to be able to survive
Some countries do not allow women to be educated
Promoting literacy is a good way to get people to become literate
Some people may believe that their children are more useful working that learning
If literacy is promoted the opinions of some of these families may be changes allowing more children to be educated

Main topic


SOCHUM works to protect religious freedoms
Religious persecution is when ones religious rights are violated
Social, humanitarian and cultural issues are debated here.
In 1948 the UN issues the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
In article 2 and article 18 of the Universal Declaration religious rights are confirmed.
Some governments do not follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and deny their citizens many religious rights
A person above the age of 7 who can read and write is considered literate
SOCHUM is one of the main general assembly comitees
All 193 UN member states are part of SOCHUM
SOCHUM works to eliminate discrimination in many ways including in education.
Because of worldwide racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination, the UN needs to address the issue of discrimination by informing young generations around the world of the issues that all types of discrimination can bring, thus stopping future generations from continuing this negative behavior.