Kategoriak: All - habits - spending - management - emergency

arabera Samira Rahman 1 year ago


Should teens get a monthly allownce from their parents

Providing teens with a monthly allowance can be an effective way to teach them financial management and responsibility. By handling their own money, they learn how to save for future needs while also managing their spending.

Should teens get a monthly allownce from their parents


Should teens get a monthly allownce from their parents

money being stolen

Other kids may find out that your kid has an allowance so the other child might manipulate them into going them the money.

Bad spending habbits

With the freedom of uncontrolled money it may lead to bad spending habits and wasting money.

You won't have control over what they're buying

with the freedom of cash unless they give you a receipt you won't actually know what you're kids are buying.
they could be buying things like drugs

emergnacy money

When your kid is out and suddenly gets hurt they're going to need band-aids or if your daughter suddenly gets her period she's going to need to buy feminine products.

Kids won't always be begging for money whenever they go out

If you're on a tight budget you can alter the amount of money to fit your needs so when your kids go out they have their spending money that they saved from the allowance, which doesn't clash with you're budget.
Your kids will have to spend money for when they go out, so instead of just handing money.

Teens can learn money mangetment