Kategoriak: All - education - teachers - accomplishments - students

arabera Victoria Burruss 6 years ago


Prensky's Concept Map

Mark Prensky's ideas emphasize the distinction between rapidly evolving tools (nouns) and the timeless skills and activities (verbs) that students need to master. He argues that traditional educational reforms often fail because they do not accommodate the empowering potential of technology or the voices of students.

Prensky's Concept Map

Prensky's Concept Map

Nouns and Verbs


Technology Turns Disposable

Nouns are the rapidly changing tools for doing these things.
Verbs are the unchanging things we always want all students to do (e.g. communicate, analyze, present, understand, create)
Storage is now disposable.

Accomplishment-Based Education

Why Our Current “Reforms” are Failures
Not Grades, Accomplishments
Technology’s empowering of our youth to accomplish huge amounts of desperately-needed tasks in the world.

From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom

Some General Observations
What we teach.
Technology becomes obsolete before it can add value.
There is a huge problem with how we teach.
The process of learning is poorly understood.
What is taking place in education is not a “dumbing down” of this generation.
Exposure to how little students’ opinions are listened to and taken into account.
Thinking Long Term
Not Easy
Inspiring Teachers
Listening to Our Students