Kategoriak: All - prime - multiplication - fractions - divisibility

arabera Julia Reddie 4 years ago


MTE 280 Elementary Foundations

Understanding fundamental mathematical concepts is essential for solving various problems efficiently. Divisibility rules help determine if a number can be divided by another without a remainder, using criteria like evenness, sum of digits, and specific digit placement.

MTE 280 Elementary Foundations

MTE 280 Elementary Foundations

Week 12

Order of Operations
Dividing Fractions

Dividing Fractions

when dividing fractions, always KCF (keep, change, flip)

example: 3and3/5 divided by 1and2/10

remember: when converting to mixed number, use "backwards c"

Week 11

Multiplying Fractions

Multiplying Fractions:

No different than normal multiplication

Example: (3/4)(2/3)=6/12=1/2

Makes the problem much more simple and less prone to simple math mistakes if you try to reduce/ simplify the fractions before multiplying

Example: (24/35)(21/40)

can be simplified by doing the funky "1s" example from class

24=6x4 and 40=4x10 so the 4's can be crossed out

35=5x7 and 21=7x3 so the 7's can be crossed out

then you're left with (6/5)(3/10)=18/50=9/25

Prime factorization and factor trees

Prime Factorization: finding which prime numbers multiple together to make the original number



9 10

3 3 5 2

so... the prime factors= 2x3x3x5

Divisibility Rules, LCM and GCF

Divisibility Rules

2: even #s

3: sum of digits divide by 3

4: last 2 digits divide by 4

5: any # ending in 5 or 0

6: even and sum of digits divide by 3

8: last 3 digits divide by 8

9: sum of digits divide by 9

10: any # ending in 0

Least common multiple

Greatest common factor

Example: GCF and LCM of 60 and 45


Week 10

Adding Fractions

Adding Fractions

Tip: if you're given 5+3/8, all you have to do is add it, not convert 5 into a fraction

25-4and3/16 is more complicated

What fractions mean:

3(5) = 3 groups of 5

3(2/7) = 3 groups of 2/7

(1/3)12 = one shirt of a group of 12

Week 9

Fractions Continued

More Fractions

Important tip:

Ways to show fractions example: 4/6

set model: xxxx~~

area model: [] [] [] [] [] []

linear model: -+-+-+-


Intro to Fractions

Intro to Fractions

which fraction is larger?

4/7 or 5/7

5/7 pieces is more than 4/7 because it is closer to 1

5/8 or 5/9

Easy tip: when doing a problem like 32+8/11

it equals 32and8/11 so don't make it more complicated

numerator= # of pieces

denominator= size of pieces

Week 8

Subtracting Integers

Subtracting Integers



-5-(-2) = - - - - - take away 2 = -3

-4-2 = - - - - - -

take away 2 ++ = -6

Making zeros: a - and a + go together to create a "zero"



K C C = -35 + 15 = -20

(use Mr. Kilt's student's algorithm shown in adding integers)


+ -- so it's going to be a negative number = -4

Adding Integers

Adding Integers

Tip: when talking to students about whether the positive or negative number is bigger...

Example: 3+(-5)

SHOW: 3+(-5) Mr. Milt's student's algorithm


_ _ _ _ _ = -2

(there is a bigger pile of negatives, so the answer must be negative)

SLOLVE: 24+(-35)

24 + (-35) = -9

+ - - so...it will end up being a negative number

Week 7

Alt. Algorithms for Subtraction

Alt. Algorithms for Subtraction

Subtraction = the distance between two numbers

show using longs and units

24-12 will go to be two longs and 4 units...then you'll take away one long and 2 units to find the answer


34-28 =6 the same distance between 2 #


show using tiles

show 5 using 9 tiles


_ _

show 5+(-4)


_ _ _ _ = 1

show -3(-2)

_ _ _ _ _ = -5

Alt. Algorithms for Division

Alt. Algorithms for Division


Repeated Subtraction

Example: 146/8

eventually you'll take 8 away a certain amount of times until you find the answer

Alt. Algorithms for Multiplication

Alt. Algoritms for Multiplication

Multiplication = Area

Area/base 10 block expanded form

example: 27(36)



------- then you multiple each number by its vertical and diagonal counterpart

= 600+210

=120+42 then add them all together

Array Multiplication

Example: 3(4)

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o =12

Lattice Multiplication

Example: 25(15)

= 375

Week 6


81/82 on exam 1

Exam Review

see notes

Week 5



1st number: # of groups

2nd number: what is inside the groups

What order to teach times tables in:

teach first:





Teach second:




Teach 3rd:

everything else


showing using base 10 blocks:

example: 14(12)

have a 10x10 flat then have 4 units added on one side and 2 on the other than add everything to get the answer = 168

Multiplying with Alt. Algorithms (show/ solve)

Introduction to Alt. Algorithms for Multiplication

Area Model:



20 + 8




this helps reinforce place value and multiplying with numbers ending in 0

Week 4

Writing Problems

How to Write Problems


convert from base ten to other bases

convert from other bases to base 10


convert from base ten to other bases

convert from other bases to base ten

Alt. Algorithms for Addition

Alt. Algorithms for Addition

Friendly numbers:

example: 28+62 --- 30+60 = 90

Trade off:

example: 46+25 --- 50+21 = 71

Left to right:

example: 37+42 --- add do 30+40 then add the 7 and 2 = 79

Expanded form:

example: 748+165 --- 700+40+8 +100+60+5 = 913


example: 34+12+15

you would scratch when the ones place adds up to 10 then carry over

Week 3

Adding and Subtracting with Different Bases

Week 2



Counting and how to works in different bases

Basic counting tools

One to one correspondence

Converting Bases

Converting Bases



24six --- 2 long and 4 units

each long = 6 and each unit = 1


13 to base eight --- 1 long and 3 units

each long = 10 and each unit = 3

so...13 will make 1 long and 5 units = 15

Week 1

Syllabus Video

Class expectations and grading

(see syllabus in canvas)

Intro to Class

Juggling Mr. Milt