Kategoriak: All - books - social - beach - spiritual

arabera Abigail Lasher 1 year ago


healthy active me Abby Lasher

The beach is a cherished retreat for both relaxation and socialization, providing a space to connect with friends and family. It serves as a hub for physical activities such as swimming, running, and playing games, all of which contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

healthy active me Abby Lasher

healthy active me Abby Lasher


Music is my spiritual motto, I mean think of it this way, the song wreaking ball by miley cyrus is about how she doesn't stand for anything and will nothing from anyone so sh comes in and smashes down all the walls. The fact that she is saying she won't stand for anything is my motto.

Music is not for my social life it's against my social life because when I am in the groove with my music blasting there is no way you can stop me from screaming the lyrics to my favourite song.

Music makes me physically move because when I am in the groove I start dancing and dancing gets me physically moving. I am constantly dancing when a good song is on.

Music calms me down, gives me something to focus on besides letting my anger take it's wheel. I can't remember a time where I used music to calm me down and it didn't work.



The beach is my spiritual awakening, I love the feeling of greatness I get when I first sink my feet in the hot warm sand, I mean is there anything better than that feeling, the feeling of warmth in your soul.

The beach is my favourite place to hangout with friends and family, I find it relaxing and enjoyable when I am talking and or socializing whilst at the beach.

The beach is a physically active environment for me, I swim, run and play multiple games along the beach. Swimming is enough exercise but I normally also run or walk the beach. I am also normally playing any sort of game which helps me so incredibly much in the physical aspect of my healthy ways.

The beach, my safe oasis. It helps me mentally the most because it clears a part of my mind that after awhile is desperately needed to be cleared.


The gym may be a place that on the outside looks like a place people workout in, to get stronger or fitter, I however know that it is a place that people escape from there ugly truths to get back on their spiritual paths. That is what happens to me I am a person filled with ugly truths when I entered and a person with a cleared and happy mind when I leave.

The gym is my social environment, I love to talk and get insight on my form and talk drama whilst I workout. It keeps me entertained and wanting to keep going to the end.

Physical is easy for gym being healthy for me, because working out is my physical cure for anything, working out is a safe thing for me to do. I not only love to workout but I also feel my best physical self when I do, especially when i get off the bike or treadmill I feel my most at self.

The gym for me is a mental reminder to me that I am strong, powerful, and have the ability to do anything I put my mind to. Now weither I am stressed out or in desperate need of a reminder that I am stronger than I think I go to the gym.



Books make me spiritually remember how much I can be good and how much I morally respect that, and me following my morals is the same thing as following my spiritual guide.


Books socially for me are a way for me to learn how to speak better and more proper. They are also a way for me too keep calm and collective because when I am stressed there is a possibility that I have a potential attitude that comes out and I read to keep it under control.


Books physically help me be healthy because they bring out the inner parts of me that can be lost. Like if I am reading a book that has football, hockey, working out, or track, it makes me want to do the same because these incredible characters are doing it so maybe just maybe that will make me an incredible person as well.


Books for me mentally is like sunshine to my soul, not only do they make me happy but they also give me something that gives me hope for our future. When I am feeling down and need a pick me up I turn to books, because I know that I will never have to worry about it making me feel worse then I am.