Kategoriak: All - examples - success - failure - motivation

arabera Ethan Casey 10 months ago


Growth Mindset

Embracing a growth mindset involves understanding that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective encourages individuals to tackle challenging tasks and persist despite difficulties, ultimately fostering a passion for learning.

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset


When dweck gave puzzles to the kids the students who aimed to go towards the harder puzzles wanted a challenge as the feeling of completing it would've felt better than completing the easy ones again and again.
If you believe your abilities can be cultivated over time it can create a passion for learning
People with a GM thrive when stretching themselves
People with a fixed mindset do not have motivation to learn or grow


Effort is the most important part of the learning process
The desire to push yourself and do something that is HARD and stick to it no matter how hard it gets is the key to the growth mindset

Having a GM means not going through life doing what is easy, its about taking risks in order to reap the benefits


When people with a GM are depressed they push through and do normal tasks so it doesn't affect their lives when they overcome it.
Failure doesn't mean you aren't growing
People with a GM do not let failure define them
Failure is a part of the learning process

Definition: The Growth Mindset is the belief that people aren't born with fixed traits and abilities the growth mindset believes that through effort and hard work they can change and improve upon their intelligence, abilities and skills.


Mia hamm was a female soccer star she improved beyond her years by practicing with the boys teams as a young girl which gave her the edge that was able to get her a spot on the US women's national team
Patricia Miranda was a chubby unathletic high school kid who wanted to wrestle but after a bad performance she was told she had no future in the sport. She decided to keep pushing to prove them wrong. She attributes this desire to proving her doubters wrong to her mother who died of an aneurysm when Miranda was ten. Her effort ended up paying off and she won the spot for her weight group in the U.S. Olympic team and came home with a bronze medal. She then decided to go to Yale law school and when everyone questioned why she would start that when she was on top of the world she said it was more exciting to start from the bottom again and see what she could grow into.
Micheal Jordan says "Superstars win games, teamwork wins championships"
Candace Parker One game during a tournament she was not going for the rebound. She was shooting lazy shots from the outside instead of using her height near the basket and she was not putting herself on defense. Her dad made her try harder after talking to her and what happened she went out and scored 20 points in the second half and had 10 rebounds.
Children are bred from birth to search out for hard tasks such as walking or talking. They actively try to learn they don't worry about failing or falling they just keep trying till they learn the proper way
Dweck says that not a single person is ever born as a non-learner she says that everyone is born with a growth mindset however, some people may develop a fixed mindset over time


Success can only be achieved through trial and error
Success is not a tool or product to show others how intelligent you are its a product of the work you put in