Kategoriak: All - innovation - soccer - gravity - tactics

arabera Idrees Sharief - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 6 years ago


Enders game

Ender showcases his innovative thinking by devising efficient strategies to outmaneuver his adversaries, ensuring both victory and minimal casualties. This strategic prowess is mirrored in everyday activities, such as soccer, where one can relate by employing new techniques to overcome opposing players.

Enders game



He discovers efficient ways to beat their enemies, and successfully creates formations that will not only lead to their victory, but also the less numbers of attacked members.
I can connect to this with my soccer skills because Ender found new ways to beat his enemies by trying new skills and not just charging in just like how when the other team is charging at me and i kick the ball over so i can get past them because if i just ran at them with the ball they might have gotten it.
"... and this time, Ender was deft enough to pull off a few maneuvers that the boy had obviously never seen before." (page 80)
When Ender enters the zero gravity Battle Room for the first time, he immediately finds a way to learn which tactics will work best to stabilize him.
I can connect this too my daily life in a car because when you are in a car and the driver makes the quick turn everyone in the car start leaning to the side and start bouncing on the seat even if they have a seat belt on but I'm the only one who doesn't because I always hold on to my seat belt or the seat in front of me so I don't lean or bounce around.
Ender "found himself ripping the seat tightly, even though gravity pulled him firmly against it. The other boys were bouncing on their seats a little. Ender carefully found the straps, figured out how they fit together to hold him at crotch, waist and shoulders." (page 61)


As an inexperienced and young member of the Battle School, Ender effectively adapts to being a leader when he is promoted to lead an army of his own.
Ender's adaptability to become a successful leader, despite the fact that he's very young and Colonel Graff exhausts his army by putting them in multiple battles almost every day "At the end of the week Dragon Army had fought seven battles in seven days. The score stood 7 wins and 0 losses." (page 224)
Ender manages to work with a new team when his teacher transfers him to Salamander Army. Even if he is seen as a competition by the team, especially its leader Bonzo, because of his strong capabilities as a launchy, he is still able to adapt to his discouraging team.
When he joins the Salamander army, he quickly adapts to Bonzo's rules and the unpleasant surrounding. "Since Bonzo had ordered him not to draw his weapon, Ender continued to drift, not moving his head or arms, as if they had been frozen too." (page 125)


He is able to understand, learn and perform quicker than the other children at Battle School. Ender advances in Battle School faster than the average student, leading an army of his own at the age of 10.
"All he had to do was watch the game and understand how things worked, and then he could use the system, and even excel." (page 80)
Ender is very intelligent, especially for his age.
I can connect to this to a show called Naruto. even though one kid in the class never pays attention (Sasuke) he always knows the answer to every question. so the teachers try to pick on him when hes not paying attention. They always pick him to answer the question but he always gets it right just like Ender.
Ender's intelligence "He always knew the answer even when she thought he wasn't paying attention." (page 35)


Due to Ender's persistence, he attempts to create allies and build friendships continuously, successfully displaying his persistent personality. In the event when Ender joins a new group full of older kids who despise him, he persists and finds a way to train and learn the skills he needs to be successful.
Ender overcoming this challenge through his persistence and making friends "They [Shen and Ender] laughed together, and two other launchies joined them. Ender's isolation was over." (page 86)
Ender immediately encounters the challenge of isolation during his arrival at Battle School. His trainer, Colonel Graff, isolates him to avoid distractions and people that will disable him from relying on his own strength and intelligence.
Ender feeling isolated "The fear stayed, all through dinner as no one sat by him in the mess hall. The other boys were talking about things – the big scoreboard on one wall, the food, the bigger kids. Ender could only watch in isolation." (page 73)"The fear stayed, all through dinner as no one sat by him in the mess hall. The other boys were talking about things – the big scoreboard on one wall, the food, the bigger kids. Ender could only watch in isolation." (page 73)


