Kategoriak: All - environment - policies - health - information

arabera Juana Vega 5 years ago


conferencia internacional de promoción de la salud

The sequence of international health promotion conferences began in 1986 with the Ottawa Conference in Canada, which introduced the concept of healthy public policy. The Adelaide Conference in 1988 delved deeper into public policies.

conferencia internacional de promoción de la salud

conferencia internacional de promoción de la salud

1988 ADELAIDE : segunda conferencia ,se exploro con profundidad las políticas publicas

mark topics that still need your focus
"Repetition is the mother of learning"
go over the map

put your mind to work

recall as many details as you can about the keywords you added

1986 OTTAWA, Fue la primera conferencia en canada , establecer una política publica sana

Reorientar los servicios de la salud
make info

easier to remember


save time
Desarrollar las aptitudes personales
yellow = facts, examples
green = dates, names, places, and formulas
red = super important
Reforzar la acción comunitaria

1991 SUNDSVALL : tercera conferencia, se enfatizo el compromiso para desarrollar ambientes que apoyen a la salud

put it in your own words, along with images and videos
you won't forget it

you become smarter with every new thing you learn

gather vital information from
what your colleagues share with you
what you are reading extra



teacher's lecture

1997 YAKARTA: Cuarta conferencia , la primera en incluir al sector privado en el apoyo de la promoción de la salud

easy to
delete info
add new info
find what you need
stick all the info you need in a map

2000 MÉXICO , quinta conferencia , se hizo hincapié en los acuerdos tomados en YAKARTA

look for connections
you'll come up with original ideas
group important elements into categories
find what's important