Kategoriak: All - literature - slavery - american - victorian

arabera Cheyenne Symonette 7 months ago


Comps Proposal 2

A specific argument is presented to explain a critical issue, emphasizing its significance within a particular category and outlining the questions it seeks to address. This includes characterizing the critical debates it aims to intervene in.

Comps Proposal 2

Comps Proposal 2


List A: Recognizable Historical Period: Victorian and Modernist Literatures 1838-1948

Secondary criticism
Fear of a Black Republic: Haiti and the Birth of Black Internationalism in the United States Leslie M. Alexander (2023) Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred M. Jacqui Alexander (2005) "White women and Slavery in the Caribbean" Hilary Beckles (1993) Women of Color Mother-Daughter Relationships in 20th-Century Literature ed. Elizabeth Brown-Guillory (1996) Jean Rhys at "World's End": Novels of Colonial and Sexual Exile Mary Lou Emory (1990)
19th C Caribbean texts
The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Mary Seacole in Many Lands Mary Seacole (1857) "Mary Seacole's West Indian Hospitality" Moving Home: Gender, Place, and Travel Writing in the Early Black Atlantic Sandra Gunning (2021) Caribbean Literature in Transition, 1800–1920 ed. Evelyn O'Callaghan and Tim Watson (2020) Victorian Jamaica ed. Tim Barringer and Wayne Modest
19th C British texts
She: A History of Adventure H. Rider Haggard (1887) "Goblin Market" Christina Rosetti (1862) Dracula Bram Stoker (1897) Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevens (1886) The Story of an African Farm Olive Schriener (1883) The Control of the Tropics Benjamin Kidd (1898) Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad (1899)
North American 19th & 20th C texts
Bonaventure: A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana George Washington Cable (1904) Madame Delphine George Washington Cable (1896) The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life George Washington Cable (1880) "The Negro Question" George Washington Cable The Awakening Kate Chopin 1899 Passing Nella Larsen (1929) Quicksand Nella Larsen (1928) Brown Girl, Brownstones Paule Marshall (1959) set in 1930s US, Bajan immigrants Banjo: A Story Without a Plot Claude McKay (1929) Home to Harlem Claude McKay (1927) Romance in Marseille Claude McKay N. Heaven Carl van Vechten (1926) Parties Carl van Vechten (1930) The Blind Bow Boy Carl van Vechten (1923) Cane Jean Toomer (1923) The Collected Poems of Jean Toomer (1988) The Letters of Jean Toomer, 1919-1924 (2006) Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston (1937) Mules and Men Zora Neale Hurston (1935) Moses, Man of the Mountain Zora Neale Hurston (1939) Infants in the Spring Wallace Thurman (1932) The Blacker the Berry: A Novel of Negro Life Wallace Thurman (1929) Fire!! Devoted to the Younger Negro Artists ed. Wallace Thurman (1926) The New Negro Alain Locke (1925) "The Negro in the Three Americas" Journal of Negro Education (1944) Caroling Dusk ed. Countee Cullen (1924) Yearbook of American Poetry William Braithwaite (1927) Heroine of the Harlem Renaissance: Gwendolyn Bennett's Selected Writings (2018) The Critical Temper of Alain Locke: A Selection of His Essays on Art and Culture ed. Jeffrey C. Stewart (1983) The Quest of the Silver Fleece W. E. B. DuBois (1911) Dark Princess: A Romance W. E. B. DuBois (1928) Black Reconstruction in America (1935) The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. DuBois (1903) Rachel (Blessed are the Barren) Angeline Weld Grimké (1916) "An Appeal to Christian Women of the South" Angelina Emily Grimké Weld (1836) anti-slavery pamphlet (Angeline Weld Grimké's grandaunt/namesake on father's side- white abolitionist) The Man with the Hoe Edwin Markham (1898) in play, allusion to Millet's The Reaper painting (1862) Color Countee Cullen (1925) Copper Sun Countee Cullen (1927)
British 20th C texts
Negro: Anthology Nancy Cunard 1934 The Left Bank and Other Stories Jean Rhys (1930) After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie Jean Rhys 1930 Voyage in the Dark Jean Rhys (1934) Orlando: A Biography Virginia Woolf (1928) Valmouth- A Romantic Novel Ronald Firbank (1919) The Princess Zoubaroff- A Comedy Ronald Firbank (1920)
Carib 20th C texts
The Orchid House Phyllis Shand Allfrey (1953) Love for an Island: The Collected Poems of Phyllis Shand Allfrey ed. Lizabeth Paravisini Gebert The Orchid House- Horace Ové (1991, Channel 4 miniseries) Wings of the Evening: Selected Poems of Vivian Virtue Vivian Virtue ed. A.L. McLeod Abeng Michelle Cliff 1995 (mid 50's Jamaican setting) Heights and Depths Una Marson (1931) The Moth and the Star Una Marson (1937) Tropic Reveries Una Marson (1930) Banana Bottom Claude McKay (1933) Nothing So Blue Elma Napier (1927) The Mistress Ada Quale (1957) Tell My Horse Zora Neala Hurston (1938)
Dates Aug 1 1838 UK abolition of slavery to June 21 1948 Windrush

General Requirements

a specific argument which explains the critical problem, locates its significance with respect to Category I, sets forth the questions this problem seeks to address, and characterizes the critical debates for which this problem will provide an intervention
a broad rationale for the contents and parameters of the lists, as well as their particular conjunction

List B: Critical Problem: Against the Grain Black, Queer "New World" Decadence & Travel Writing

The Sure Salvation John Hearne 1985 set in mid 19th c transatlantic slave ship Hearne in conversation with Vivian Virtue The Sweetest Fruits Monique Troung * (Hearn, Mattie Foley) Lote Shola Von Reinhold Zong! N Cereus Blooms at Night Shani Mootoo
Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation Imani Perry (2018) Black Feminist Constellations The Black Shoals In the Wake: On Blackness and Being Christina Sharpe Pedagogies of the Sacred Wicked Flesh Jessica Marie Johnson Searching for Sycorax: Black Women's Hauntings of Contemporary Horror (2017)
queer theory/sexuality studies
"Redefining the Origins of Camp: the Queer Correspondence of Carl Van Vechten and Ronald Firbank" Kate Hext Modernism/modernity (2020) Queer Kinship After Wilde Kristin Mahoney Dorian Unbound: Transnational Decadence and the Wilde Archive Sean O'Toole (2023) Black on Both Sides Before Queer Theory Victorian Aestheticism and the Self* Tiefin Sugar Homogenic Love and its Place in a Free Society Edward Carpenter (1894) Slaves to Fashion Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity Monica M. Miller (2009) "Introduction. Queer Fractals: Making Histories of Repair" Fractal Repair: Queer Histories of Modern Jamaica Matthew Chin (2024) "Queer Jamaica 1494–1998" Fractal Repair Queer Histories of Modern Jamaica Matthew Chin (2024) Libidinal Currents: Sexuality and the Shapng of Modernism Joseph Allen Boone (1998) The Homoerotics of Orientalism Joseph Alllen Boone (2015) Exotic Memeories : Literature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siècle (1991) Chris Bongie
general secondary criticism

Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network Caroline Levine (2005) Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation Mary Louise Pratt (2008) "Aestheticism Empurpled: Ronald Firbank" Frivolity Unbound: Six Masters of the Camp Novel Robert F. Kiernan (1990) abjection + race Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem African American Literature and Culture, 1877-1919 eds. Barbara McCaskill and Caroline Gebhard (2006)


Braiding Sweetgrass On Indigenous NA history*

Major figures
Prince Zaleski M.P. Shiel (1895) Shapes in the Fire M.P. Shiel (1896) "The Bride" M.P. Shiel (1911) The House of Sounds M.P. Shiel (1911) "The Pale Ape" M. P. Shiel (1911) "The Place of Pain" M. P. Shiel (1914) "The Primate of the Rose" M. P. Shiel (1928) Britain "knit and nationalised": Asian invasion novels in Britain 1898-1914 R. Forman (2013) Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys (1966) set in 1834 Jamaica & Dominica The Letters of Jean Rhys ed. by Francis Wyndham et. al. (1984) The Picture of Dorian Gray Salome Sorrow in Sunlight Ronald Firbank (1924) Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli Ronald Firbank (1926) Black Man and White Ladyship Nancy Cunard (1931) Negro ed. Nancy Cunard (1934) The White Man's Duty: An analysis of the colonial question in the light of the Atlantic charter Nancy Cunard and "George Padmore (1942) A midsummer trip to the West Indies Lafcadio Hearn (1888) Two Years in the West Indies Lafcadio Hearn (1890) Creole Sketches Lafcadio Hearn (1922) Youma: The Story of a West Indian Slave (1889) One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances Theophile Gautier trans. Lafacdio Hearn (1899) Tales from Theophile Gautier Theophile Gautier trans. Lafcadio Hearn (1888) Chita: A Memory of Last Island (1889) Lafcadio Hearn "Deforestation and Decolonization: Lafcadio Hearn’s French Antillean Writing" Peter A. A. Bailey (2023) "New Orleans--Society--Creoles and Quadroons---Voyage up the Mississippi" Domestic Manners of the Americans Francis Trollope (1832) The Conjure Woman Charles Chestnut (1899)
foundational Aestheticism and Decadence texts
The Painter of Modern Life Charles Baudelaire (1863) Genius Loci: Thoughts on Places Vernon Lee (1899) Studies in the History of the Renaissance Walter Pater (1873) Marius the Epicurean Walter Pater (1885) Against Nature A rebours J.K. Huysmans (1884) The Flowers of Evil (Les Fluers de Mal) Charles Baudelaire (1857) Hauntings Vernon Lee (1890) Decadence in the Age of Modernism Kate Hext & Alex Murray Gay Rebel of the Harlem Renaissance:Selections from the Work of Richard Bruce Nugent RBN Thomas Wirth Strait is the Gate André Gidé (1909) Sight and Song Michael Field (1892) "The Decadent Movement in Literature" Arthur Symons (1893) Beginning at the End: Decadence, Modernism, and Postcolonial Poetry Robert Stilling (2018) Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence Kristin Mahoney (2015) Perennial Decay: On the Aesthetics and Politics of Decadence. Ed. Liz Constable, Dennis Denisoff, and Matt Potolsky (1998) Poe: Poetry and Tales Edgar Allen Poe ed. by Patrick F. Quinn (1984) The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories Arthur Machen Decadent and Occult Works by Arthur Machen

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