Kategoriak: All - loyalty - persistence - determination

arabera Bobby Jones 5 years ago


Character Analysis for Gilgamesh and Odysseus

The character of Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, reveals a complex blend of divine and human traits. He is two-thirds god and one-third human, which endows him with exceptional qualities and a sense of pride in his divine creation.

Character Analysis for Gilgamesh and Odysseus

Character Analysis for Gilgamesh and Odysseus



  1. Married to Penelope son was Telemachus
  2. Greek mythology, king
  3. War hero
  4. Loyal
  5. Created the Trojan horse in Troy
  6. Prideful

The conflict that challenges Odysseus is both an internal struggle and external forces within the story. For example, An internal conflict that Odysseus was faced with was trying to escape Polyphemus. This was both an internal and external conflict. It was internal to Odysseus because he was worried that he had trapped his men and himself there forever. The external force was Polyphemus he should the power to kill Odysseus and his men. This conflict challenged Odysseus and showed internal struggles and external forces that crossed Odysseus along his journey to return home.

Odysseus is a dynamic character because he changes throughout the story. For example, he left his wife and new born child to fight in Troy very reluctantly. The after 10 plus years of trying to get back home Odysseus faces many challenges and near death experiences. Finally, to return home dressed as a beggar to surprise his wife Penelope and family. He was celebrated as a great war hero. The character of Odysseus was extremely dynamic in this story.

Odysseus can be considered a protagonist. Odysseus is the main character in the story with great triumph victory's by using his intelligence and his god like powers. Odysseus, evolves into a heroic character as the story is unfolding. Like most men or Gods Odysseus encounters moments of unethical and questionable moral decisions that make his journey difficult. After each questionable moment there was a learning point for Odysseus which makes him a protagonist in this story.


Odysseus and his men encounter the Sirens on their journey back to Ithaca. The Sirens are mythical creatures that live on an island and attract men to their death with their beautiful and irresistible singing voices. Odysseus shows his cleverness by  ''woe to the innocent who hears that sound!'' this helps Odysseus realize he must plug his men ears with wax which prevents them from death by the singing. This is very clever and supports the trait that Odysseus is very clever to keep his men safe from dangerous situations.


Odysseus shows his intellect in tricking the Cyclops. A hero is intelligent; his greatest weapon is his mind. His spiteful heart replied: "Well, Nobody, I’ll eat all your companions before you and have you at the end—my gift to you, since you’re my guest." This was confirmation to Odysseus that Polyphemus believed him that his name was "Nobody" this was key piece of the plan for Odysseus which showed his intellect.


Odysseus shows loyalty and determination when he finds himself in the arms of Penelope once again. Odysseus quotes “Now from his breast into his eyes the ache / of longing mounted, and he wept at last, / his dear wife, clear and faithful in his arms.” This displays after many unethical moments during the story Odysseus still craved and needed love from Penelope.


Odysseus displays bravery when he overcomes his fears and descends to the underworld to meet Tiresias. He also shows bravery in blinding the Cyclops Polyphemus in order to save the lives of his men. Tiresias quotes "Glorious Odysseus, what you are after is sweet homecoming, but the god will make it hard for you. I think you will not escape Shaker of the Earth, who holds a grudge against you in his heart, and because you blinded his dear son, hates you. But even so and still you might come back, after much suffering, if you can contain your own desire, and contain your companions". This information worried Odysseus of his journey to the underworld, but his bravery prevailed him to complete the journey. While defending his men against Polyphemus and stabs the cyclops in the eyes the cyclops yells "Nobody is killing me" the quote supports the bravery and witty thinking of Odysseus by using nobody as his name saved himself and his men.


There are two great examples of Odysseus shows strength and determination. First, in the Land of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus’s ships were blown off course and landed. The locals offered his men fruit from the Lotus plant, which instilled a calm elation into anyone who ate it; it was an ancient drug. Odysseus was the only one who didn’t eat the fruit, possibly because he was skeptical, suspicious or just chose not to. He forced them to leave. Odysseus states, “When I saw what had happened, I was dismayed and I had to drag them forcibly back to the ships...Lucky that I did not taste that fruit!” This showed extreme strength by Odysseus. Secondly, stabbing out the eye of the Cyclops Polyphemus was another example of Odysseus's enormous strength. He uses a large stake which he needs to lift up all by himself before driving it deep into Polyphemus's eye. By Odysseus telling Polyphemus “So, you ask me the name I’m known by, Cyclops? I will tell you. But you must give me a guest-gift as you’ve promised. Nobody —that’s my name. Nobody —so my mother and father call me, all my friends".This explanation of his name is what saved him had his men from this dangerous monster,



  1. Was king of Uruk
  2. Two thirds God one third human
  3. Became friends with Enkidu
  4. Wanted immortality
  5. Loyal to his people of Uruk

The conflict for Gilgamesh is an internal struggle that are between physical and spiritual journeys within the character. The spiritual struggle is to seek immortality and to turn his behavior into a positive influence for the people of the Sumerian culture.


Gilgamesh is a dynamic character in the poem, he starts off as a selfish king and individual while transforming morally and becoming selfless." He walks around in the enclosure of Uruk,

like a wild bull he makes himself mighty, head raised (over others).

There is no rival who can raise his weapon against him." This quote shows the selfish nature of Gilgamesh in the beginning of the story. As the story starts expanding Gilgamesh moves further way from being selfish to selfless and caring "Make a statue of my friend.' The statue was fashioned with a great weight of lapis lazuli for the breast and of gold for the body". This shows the transformation and change of character of Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh is considered a protagonist because he is the driving force in the poem. His inspiring victories over Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven helped concrete his heroism status among the people of Uruk. While sacrificing his own well-being to find immortality once Gilgamesh found the plant of immortality he brought it back to his elders. This gesture made Gilgamesh a protagonist in the story The Epic of Gilgamesh.


"New life may be obtained by means of it. I will carry the thorny plant back to my city". By caring the thorny plant back to Uruk this showed persistence by Gilgamesh to help the elderly with obtaining the plant of immortality.


"It is Gilgamesh who will venture into the Forest and cut down the Cedar down and win the glory". This moment in the play shows Gilgamesh's determination to go to the forest to retrieve wood for the people in his city.


"I will give some of the plant to the elders there, to share among them, telling them it is called How-the-Old-Man-Once-Again-Becomes-A-Young-Man. And I will take my share of the magic plant, once more to become the one who is youngest and strongest." When Gilgamesh discovers the plant of immortality his first thought is for the elders in Uruk. This shows loyalty to his people under his rule


"Seven days and nights I sat beside the body, weeping for Enkidu beside the body,and then I saw a worm fall out of his nose. Must die too too? Must Gilgamesh be like that?" This quote develops the care and love Gilgamesh has for Enkidu.


This quote embodies the pride Gilgamesh has in his creation by the Gods. "When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body. Shamash the glorious sun endowed him with beauty, Adad the god of the storm endowed him with courage, the great gods made his beauty perfect, surpassing all others, terrifying like a great wild bull. Two thirds they made him god and one third man".