Kategoriak: All - nutrition - psychology - physiology - exercise

arabera siti idayah 3 years ago


CHAPTER 1 : (kinesiology)Introduction to Exercise Science

Exercise science is the scientific study focused on human movement aimed at maintaining or improving physical fitness. It draws from various parent disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, physiology, mathematics, and engineering to expand its knowledge base.

CHAPTER 1 : (kinesiology)Introduction to Exercise Science

CHAPTER 1 : (kinesiology) Introduction to Exercise Science

3.0 The Sciences of Exercise Science

Behavioral knowledge base;
1. Motor behavior 2. Exercise and sport psychology
Social science knowledge base
1. Sport sociology 2. Sport history
Health & fitness knowledge base;
1. Clinical exercise physiology 2. Physical activity
Physiological knowledge base;
1. Exercise physiology 2. Sport nutrition
Sport medicine & kinesiological knowledge base:
1. Athletic training 2. Sport biomechanics 3. Clinical biomechanics
Exercise science study movement * clinical biomechanics and sports biomechanics
Subdisciplines overlap * exercise physiology expanded to different areas – sports nutrition
All human movement
Many branches of science can be applied to exercise - biology, chemistry physics and psychology

Biology and chemistry

exercise physiology


expanding the mechanics of movement – biomechanics.


development of motor behavior and exercise and sports psychology

Exercise science
refers to the application of science to the phenomenon of exercise


Parent Disciplines
Attempts to describe, study and expand its body of knowledge.
For example: biology, chemistry, physics and psychology, physiology, mathematics, engineering
The scientific study of human movement performed to maintain or improve physical fitness.

4.0 Conclusion

Exercise science continues to meet needs of coaches, trainers, and teachers through applied research and development.

2.0 Subdisciplines of Exercise Science

the science components of exercise science within which the body of knowledge is describes, studied and expanded.

1. Exercise physiology and Biochemistry 2. Biomechanics 3. Motor Learning and Control 4. Sports Medicine 5. Exercise and Sport Psychology