Kategoriak: All - navigation - collaboration - resources - learning

arabera Anne Suter 8 years ago


Blueprinting the Virtual School Library

The virtual library blueprint aims to create an engaging and user-friendly online environment for students, parents, and teachers. It emphasizes clear visuals and organized content to facilitate easy navigation and direct users to the appropriate information.

Blueprinting the Virtual School Library

Virtual Library Blueprint

Web 2.0 Tools -collaborative & interactive learning -providing context for digital citizenship, ethics, academic honesty

-Publishing Sites (e.g., AW, storybird) -Mind Mapping Sites (e.g., mindomo) -Presentation Sites (e.g., glogster, prezi) -Social Bookmarking Sites (e.g., pinterest, delicious) -Blog Building Sites (e.g., kidblog)
Copyright-Friendly Tools -images -music -Creative Commons -EasyBib
Interactive/Collaborative -contributions from school community to promote ownership and help teach web etiquette
Match Tools to Learning -guide students in selecting appropriate tools for different kinds of learning

Focus on Learning -remote access 24/7

Anchor Charts -reinforcement of learning
Resources -catalogue of print resources -Ebook collections -encyclopedias -links to subject areas by grade -videos -podcasts -child-friendly search engines -child-friendly news sites -copyright info -research tools

Engaging, appealing, user-friendly

Clear Visuals & Organization -to make navigation easy -to direct students to needed info at appropriate level
"One Stop Shopping" -bring info & search widgets into site so students don't have to leave site

School News

Information/Links for Parents
News for Teachers
Boardwide News -link to Board news and notifications -link to curriculum
Schoolwide Events -special events -assemblies -calendars
Links to Classroom Websites

Promote the Library -virtual library should reflect real library

Library News & Events -displays of student work -book talks -clubs -speakers -visiting authors -virtual events
Gallery of Student Work -photos -published work

Site must be easy to maintain & update -changing content -easy use means more staff can share the work of updating